Fragments of the stars

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'Hmm?' The boy thought as he stirred from his deep sleep. He sat up from the comfortable patch of clovers and looked around, only to see his companion Aelita.

"Valaron! Good morning!" She yelled happily. She ran over to the boy and hugged him, making him blush and a bit uncomfortable. He pushed away from her and hid his face, she quickly got the idea of why he did that.

"Ah! Oh sorry Vala, I forgot about that" she said while she pat his head, he looked up at her with a small smile.  "We might want to start moving, so we can make it to the next town before dark" Aelita mentioned and Valaron nodded, they packed up and began their journey to the town of Gallia.

As they were walking though the Jinjuka forest, Valaron couldn't help but think about something that's been bothering him sense he met Aelita ... Why can't he remember anything about his past? What caused him to forget and why did it have to do its job as well as it did? Fuck it was annoying to him, if he remembered anything about himself then he may know why he is so traumatized. Aelita noticed that he was staring off into space,

"Whatcha thinking about there Vala?" She asked him and shocked him out of his train of thought, which he finally said something to her sense the day she met him.

"U-Um I-I was thinking about ... Why I can't remember anything about my past or myself"

She was shocked to hear him speak at all, she snapped out of her state of shock and walked over to him and hugged him.

"It's ok Vala, I'm sure we will find out why you can't remember!" She told him, she took his hand and continued to talk toward the town. They made it half way when Valaron heard something coming from a bush near the path, All of a sudden a black creature sprung from the bush and tried to attack Valaron but was quickly stopped by a dagger to the heart.

"Ah! Valaron!" Aelita yelled as she ran over to the boy, checking him for any injuries. She saw nothing and they continued on they're way. Aelita got hungry so they decided to stop for a bit, Valaron began to make a nice lunch for the both of them when he heard yet another noise from a bush.

“What’s with all the sounds and bushes!?” He thought to himself as he pulled one of his daggers out and walked cautiously toward the bush, only to find a small tiger hiding in the bush, he picked up the tiny cub who must have been no older than 4 months and wondered where it came from.

“Where did you come from?” He asked it before he saw it’s mother dead near the lake side, He ran over to her and checked to see if she was still alive but no such luck was there so he decided that he couldn’t just leave the little thing there all alone so he took it and went back to see Aelita.

  “Hey Vala I found these … Whatcha got there?” Aelita asked him, he took the little tiger out of his bag and showed her his new pet.

“His name is Tempest.” Valaron whispered, Aelita’s heart just about melted as she stared at the little cub. She took Tempest from Vala and proceeded to pet and cuddle the cub.

“HE’S SOO CUTE!!!” She squealed, Vala couldn’t help but smile as he saw her and Temp getting along so well.  He went off to finish the preparations for lunch, once he returned Aelita noticed that he was soaked.

“Aww did you go swimming without us?” She asked in a sad tone but he shook his head no and he set down some fish.

“I was fishing, the old way” He replied with a chuckle, Aelita laughed as Vala dried off and put his shirt and an extra pair of pants on, he began to cook the fish and made this amazing meal for the group.

“Looks good Valaron! Let’s eat!” Aelita happily said as she began to eat, Vala gave some of the fish to Tempest and then he began to eat.

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