The Devil in a Red Dress

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Queens Village, New-York, 10:48PM; November 18th, 1983.

"Freak" She heard one of them mumble in disgust. "Oh my god, it's her" a female's voice whispered, seemingly middle aged. "She came back?" a male this time, his tone scared and slightly shocked that this... Thing, had the audacity to come back to her hometown. She could even pick out the faint whirs and clicks of a few cameras.

Quickening her pace slightly, although accustomed to the whispers she still couldn't fully deny the sting that they brought upon her. Unlike a few seconds ago, her red, black and white dress did little for the cold, the black bow feeling as if it were tightening around her collar although nothing had changed, except the suffocating scenario. She kept her eyes devoid of the slight twinge of hurt as much as she possibly could as the whispers grew crueler. Continuing to walk along the sidewalk, as she tried to drone out the voices with the noisy sounds of the Queens Ville, New York traffic. Some of the taunts, she reviled in admitting, did seep through her currently fragile mental walls; "Witch", "Demon", "Devil-child", "Satan spawn".

Mothers were pulling their children away from her either in fear, caution or both, and nothing dared touch her except the light drops of snow which matched her frosty white and slightly damp hair. An almost perfect circle of space had formed around her as no one even wanted to chance any form of nearness to the 'Devil in a red dress', as some had recently started dubbing her.

Ignoring the involuntary tear that fell from eyes in which held deep red pupils streaking down her cheek in a slightly wavy line -- similar to that of which could be found in a tightly pulled spring where the fixed bends couldn't entirely flatten after all its time of being coiled -- before falling unseen onto the coarse concrete of the narrow sidewalk. While most things darkened after the sun had already set, the only light coming from moonlight which fell upon the always busy city giving the setting an ominous feel; her snowy hair shone like always emitting a dim glow that like the rest of her seemed abnormal.

Her crimson red eyes shone vibrant as ever in the light of the 3/4th moon that hung over the city on the cold night that fell upon, November 18th, or 5 days before her long forgotten, no longer celebrated birthday.

She took a seat at the bus-stop, waiting for the Greyhound to make its second to last stop here, her eyes grazing over the crinkled bus ticket, then wandering onto the busy streets. Watching the cars go by, the horns honking loudly and a few shouting in protest, their tones filled irritation and fueled like their own cars except by road rage instead of toxic gasoline.

After the minutes passed filled with rumors, whispers, fearful gasps, and disgusted remarks about her, the devilish freak, aka the witch of Queens Ville; finally the Greyhound came to a stop a few feet ahead of her, the double-doors of the large bus opening the iconic silver greyhound that too was illuminated slightly by the moonlight as people filed it some checking their watch or talking to a someone else, and some taking frightened glances behind them and at the young girl, standing up, and holding her ticket in hand lingering in wait for her turn to get on the bus....

Notice me senpai. 

Ummmmm, Hi. Enjoy, Leave a comment if ya want. Vote if ya please. Or don't its chill either way. Choco-chip Cookies and Kudos for you all. 

Bai Fam. 

~Art3mis Fowl

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