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//anything with a "//" in front of it means that it is a note from me
//should I draw the guy, I'm not even sure about his looks but I do have a general idea (keep in mind I'm not that good at drawing, if you want to draw a better version yourself feel free... also feel free to send it to me for use in this story)
//this is my first story, give me critiques, please.
This is the end of the note (here atleast)
//"~~"means a change of perspective
You wake up to the sound of a voice, familiar yet distant.
~mystery person~Run.
If you value your life, you must run.
Whether it's from entrapment/death or to freedom/life, only you can decide.
~you~why do i have to run, also who are you?
A mildly feminine male who couldn't have been older than 19 stepped into your view and asked you" do you recall me?" You replied with "No"
"Of course not...
I'll tell you that later, but know that it's in our best interest to keep one another alive.
look there- do you see the mailbox over there?"
You nod your head
"hide behind it til I call you out, deal?"
You don't properly reply, you instead opt to run to the mailbox and hide.
while you hide you hear a language you don't understand, but it seems rather familiar.
"Jordan!" He peers around the other side of the mail box after half a minute and finds you"why didn't you come out when- you don't even recall your own name..."by this point he is mostly muttering to himself"I assumed you would. . The damage to your..-in any event we must keep moving" he extends his hand to help you off the ground.
around half a day has passed of nothing but walking and talking(and the occasional pit stop/fight with other people in this...place-I'm still not sure what to call it. The world grows darker with every step you take"hey, could we stop?" He quickly scans the surrounding areas and points to a heavily beaten up building "we can stay the night there, if that's ok with you."
The two of you walk over to the building, but before you get to the door he tells you to wait outside while he makes sure that it's safe. He draws his short sword and enters the building
You hear his foot falls echo through out the building. You hear what sounds like a saw go off, quickly followed by grunts and the sounds of a fight. After a few minutes he comes back for you, dragging a limp body behind him."all clear." I flashes you a quick smile. Seemingly as an attempt to take your attention away from his limp. "Oh- it's a hospital. So, if you don't mind, could you help me get some supplies in the morning?"
"Yeah, no problem"
******************************you stand by as he grabs and sets up a sleeping bag from his pack, when he finished setting it up he gestures for you to take it.
"No, I couldn-"he cuts you off
"Please take it"
"You're injured"
"I'll be fine, I don't matter too much anyhow"
You slip into the sleeping bag and drift off to sleep"
~The guy's perspective~
Should I tell Jordan how- no, I can't.
You look down at the base of the blade on your short sword. And see the simple message they had engraved on your present("A+J"surrounded by a heart) Seeing the engraving reminded you that you've had this short sword for 10 years now, and have been living in a constant state of fear and running to/from some thing for about 7. You look at Jordan and decide to sleep for the last few hours before Sun rise.
~Jordan's perspective~
You wake up before sun rise to find the unnamed guy sleeping with his short sword by him. You decide to grab it and look at it before running off to grab some medical supplies, but you don't leave for medical supplies, not yet anyhow, you noticed the "A+J" at the base of the blade. This prompted a torrent of thoughts and theories. You decide to wait for this person to rise from their slumber to ask about the engraving.
~The guy's perspective~
you wake up to the sight of Jordan holding your short sword, analyzing the base of the blade.
"So who is "J" and who is "A""
You stop for half a second and decide to not tell Jordan what it really is."I'm not sure, if I'm being entirely honest. I picked up the sword a while back."
"You seemed rather attached to it for it being a random sword."
"er- it's helped me get out of a lot of tough situations in the past, so.. yeah"
Jordan glares at you,  analyzing your features for a tell to see if your lying. But you've learned to hide your tells. Jordan decides that it's a fruitless endeavor and gives up"ok." They hand you your short sword back.
// that's all for part one, thanks for reading this far

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2017 ⏰

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