New Life

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Here's another new chapter, I thought about it and I decided that me taking down my story isn't gonna make a difference to some people but those that are voting and commenting thanks again...and for the rest of you silent readers, enjoy!

 Chapter 44

 I couldn’t believe that I was having a baby. I wasn’t really ready to be a mom,  I always thought I would be married before I had children well I guess I better get ready nine months gonna go by super-fast.  I sighed I guess I am just fooling myself, why would he be there for me and the baby; he couldn’t even be there for our engagement party.

I went back downstairs to get my cell phone, after I picked it up checked all the doors and headed upstairs.  I sat down on the bed and touched my stomach.

I have conceived a life that is growing inside me.  I stretched out on the bed and I cried, not because I am pregnant, but because I will be a single parent and child deserve to have a mother and father that are married and live under the same roof.

I know, I know I just need to let it out so I can move on and get through this pregnancy without thinking about being single.  I have my mother, my sister and Mey to help me through this. I will talk to Kevin soon and we will make plans for him to be there when I have doctor’s appointments.

I picked up my phone and dialed Toni’s number; I need to tell her the big news.


“Hey boo-boo how are you doing?”

“I’m doing good miss lady; no need to complain.”

“What about you? What’s going on with you?”

“Nothing much just sitting here wondering if I should make my baby’s room blue, pink, or yellow.”

 “Huh? Did you say you’re wondering what colors to paint your baby’s room?”

 “Yup; that’s what I said. I’m pregnant.”

 “How many months are you?”

 “I will be 8 weeks on Sunday, when I was at my doctor’s office today. 

Mey went with me because I was scared to go alone.  I can’t believe I’m having a baby.  It hurt that Kevin and I aren’t married, but we can’t dwell on that now, we have a baby so we just have to get it done.”

 “I know it’s not the way you wanted to bring a child into the world, but what’s done is done.  I am so happy for you and Kevin.  I know you will be a great mom and I will be an awesome auntie to my niece or nephew.  I can’t wait to tell Charles he’s going to be an uncle.” 

 “Ok that’s cool; I have to go back in a month and I want you to come with me.  I don’t know if they can tell me the sex of the baby then or not, but I would still like for you to be there with me.”

 “You know I would love to go with you.”

 “Ok I will call you with the date when they call me with it.”

 “Ok love, talk to you later.”

 “Bye T, oh and tell Charles I said hi.”

 “Will do, go get some rest and I will talk with you tomorrow.”

 “Ok, bye.”


I put the phone on my nightstand and got comfortable in my bed and before my head hit the pillow I was out for the count.  I just let everything go and slept for me and the baby.

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