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There is more to me than you think.

  Lizzies P.O.V


As I sat there on the floor after watching myself put the razor to my skin and I heard a knock on my door "Liz its Tee" I didn’t say anything I still held the blade to my skin I felt tears coming down my face. "Lizzie opens up please" he said shaking the door handle. I'm sill here sitting on the floor with tears running down I hear myself say you're a waste nobody cares I cried even harder "Liz please open up" Finally I dropped the blade my arm was covered with tears & blood "Please open" the room  grew darker I heard the door open 

                                      *Two weeks earlier* 

I drove myself to school still feeling like shit I had my headphones in listening to Lost It All by BVB I got to school I didn’t know what to do anymore I put my hood over my head trying to hide myself finally got to my locker I felt someone “Putting books into my Locker” I shut my locker then turned around to se Tee frowning “Why the face?” “You’re wearing your hoodie” “Tee its okay I’m not.” He looked into my eyes then started to pull up my sleeves to see all my cuts & scars. “Why Liz?” a tear fell onto his cheek “Tee it doesn’t matter” “Elizabeth!” “Tyler!” I started to walking down the hall “Liz yes it does” I didn’t answer then I walked around the corner to see Taylor who was right there I stopped and pulled my sleeves down “Lizzie baby” “Don’t call me that” “Why baby?” Taylor grabs me “We are still together right?” “Get off of me” Pushing him away “Liz” Taylor cups my face and leans in to kiss me I heard someone turn the corner. Our lips touched and I heard a gasp. “Liz!” Tee yelled “Tee no it was-” he cut me off “Can’t believe you would cheat on me!” he said in tears. “No please Tee” “Just fuck off okay” he turned the corner I just felt tears come down I felt arms being wrapped around me. “It’s going to be okay I promise” “Just go away, leave me alone Taylor” I pushed Taylor away I started walking to class more tears came down *hour later* class ended I ran out grabbed my shit from my locker then headed out to my car. I opened my car door then someone grabbed my arm. I turned my head to see Tee. “Where are you going?” “Home... Bye” I closed my door then pulled out of the parking lot more & more tears came down. (Liz’s Driveway) As I pull in I sat in the car for a couple of minutes I didn’t know what to do anymore Tee hates me, I really don’t have anymore friends can’t go on anymore. I pulled a razor from my pocket putting it to my skin. I see my arm covered in blood I pulled down my sleeve go out of my car, ran inside before anyone could see me. I felt more tears come down I lay on my bed staring at my walls thinking about everything like normal I finally fell asleep.

                                                      *Next day*

I wake up to the sound of yelling I open my eyes to see my little sitter yelling “Wake up sissy wake up” “No! Go away!” “Mommy said to get up!” I rolled on my other side and tried to fall back asleep. “Sissy!” “What the fuck! Go away” I close my eyes to crying  I sit up to see my sister on the floor crying her eyes out my mom runs into my room “What the hell is going on?” “Sissy yelled at me” “Elizabeth why did you yell at your sister?” “Because she wouldn’t leave me alone” I Laid back down rolled back on my side it was quiet for a moment until my mom pulled off my covers “You better get you ass out of bed now!” “Mom Go away I don’t feel good!” “Your going to be late again you can’t be late again” “Does it look like I care?” I pulled the covers back on and rolled onto my side. My mom grabs my sister and walks out slams the door. I open my eyes I couldn’t fall back asleep. My phone buzzed I grabbed it I was from Tee I opened it

Tee: Good morning Beautiful I hope you’re okay. I’m sorry about what happened yesterday don’t be mad I love you babe see you soon. Xoxo

I closed the message I locked my phone looked at the time it was 7:30 1st period just started. I Jumped out bed ran to the shower 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2014 ⏰

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