Target Acquired

534 24 19

Jason was whipping through the forest, with nothing but the wind for company. Passing deer and gone before they knew he was there. Nothing could keep up with him.

As Jason speed through the forest, he saw his destination coming up. The mountain looming in the distance. If you looked closely, you might have been able to see the outline of a building on the mountain wall. Jason didn't even need to focus, his eyes naturally captured everything in his line of sight.

With eyes like a hawk he focused on the security system. With a frown of concentration, his skin rippled, and he seemed to vanish. With his body now transparent, Jason left the cover of the woods. Smirking at how easy it was, Jason ran right through the plain up to the mountain, the grass hardly wavering as he ran by.

As he approached the massive buiding, Jason noticed that the lowest windows were at least twenty feet up, but he just smiled at the challenge. Without breaking a stride he jumped and landed on the pencil thin window ledge.

With a small push, the window swung open without a sound. Landing in the hallway, Jason started walking, then his skin rippled again, Leaving a middle aged man in a butler's uniform where Jason had once been.

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