One| Wicked Prayer

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The feeling of being lost is numbed when you've never had a home. Drifting, as one would say, is all most ever know. Chris's footsteps make a crunching noise as he walked over the fallen fall leaves that scattered the ground. There was something different lingering in the air tonight. He couldn't quite pin point what it was but he noticed the difference all around him.

"Do you think we're getting closer" The pale boy next to him muttered kicking a can out of his way.

"I think so, Ricky" Chris answered looking around the deserted park they found themselves in.

"At the very least, people have come through here recently. Those trash cans we past earlier were still hot from whatever they were burning to keep warm"

"Well let's hope we get there before we starve or freeze to death" Ricky sighed heavily.

Chris laughed quietly at his friend's overwhelming

He had been here before, many years ago when the world wasn't fading black with each day that passed.

It was difficult to believe it wasn't always like this. The world looked as if a black and white film was casted over it. The sun that shined brightly was now dark as night.

It's prominent figure stood over the city reminding them everyday of what it once was.

Chris's eyes wandered through the crowd of people in hopes of finding someone, anyone with enough color to brighten this place.

"It's right in there" It had seemed like such a long time since Ricky held hopes for something but he didn't let his only friend know that.

The truth was, their breed was perishing. After the sun dimmed, the world was expected to end.

The human race went into a crisis. Anarchy followed through as chaos reigned over hope of a new day. However, the end of time itself never did come.

Everything dragged along slowly, the world didn't end as predicted by religion or scientists.

The people who were left spent years trying to bring back hope and mantain order in the wreck that was left.

Chris's eyes lingered on the light wood hinge of the door that seemed so out of place in contrast to what stood around it.

His eyes landed on the etching on the door he had been searching for, a sigh of relief fell out of his mouth stepping inside the dimly lit room.

The light was flickering on and off like a strobe light.

It was strangely empty but this didn't stop Ricky from taking his snow covered jacket and shoes off at the doorstep.

Ricky looked up to see his tall friend staring down at him wondering what it was he thought he was doing.

"Don't wanna drag snow inside" Chris laughed softly, like that was the worst of their problems.

"Yeah that would really be the end of the world" Chris laughed and walked further into the two floor apartment.

Ricky followed behind him. The lights of the apartment were all broken except for the strobing light.

"Could it be they left?" Ricky murmured as he sighed. He didn't know how long they could keep looking. Hopes had already died down, but their bodies were soon to go.

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