Chapter 1: The Best Birthday

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Notes: Welcome back guys! Here's the first chapter of book two.



*Draco's POV*

Draco stood in the entrance to number twelve, Grimmauld Place, looking up in wonder at the many staircases. Sure, he'd been there before, but this was special. This was his first time in the house that was now his home. His best friend, Harry Potter-Black, and Harry's two godfathers, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin-Black, had told him no more than ten minutes ago, that he was always welcome in their home. He was grateful to them, because he wasn't welcome at Malfoy Manor, the place he'd grown up in. His father had disowned him during his second week at Hogwarts, because he'd shamed the Malfoy name by being Sorted into Gryffindor. That was, in his opinion, absolutely ridiculous, because surely a person's house didn't completely define who they were. However, his father hadn't seen it that way, and so his surname was no longer Malfoy, but Black. It had been for a while, because his mother had refused to completely disown her only son, and she had given him the Black name and a small fortune.

"You okay, Draco?" asked Harry from behind him, causing him to snap out of his reverie.

"Yeah. Just... thinking. About family stuff," Draco replied with a small smile.

Harry gathered him up in his arms, and Draco let himself sink into the embrace. Harry was way too good at knowing when he needed a hug instead of words, and only partly because of his Magesight. However, the hug didn't last very long, and when Harry pulled away, Draco found himself missing the warmth he'd felt.

"Come on, your room's ready."

Draco's eyes opened wide. "I have my own room?"

Harry laughed. "Of course, silly! It's your house too, remember?"

"Right," he muttered under his breath, and followed his friend up three flights of stairs, stopping outside a dark brown door, which was two doors down from Harry's.

Harry said something about changing into less travel-worn clothes, and disappeared into his own room, leaving Draco to open his door apprehensively.

*Harry's POV*

Harry left Draco to look through his new room, and strolled into his own. He changed quickly, then tiptoed back downstairs to the living room, where he found his godfathers.

Sirius' head snapped up from where it was resting against Remus' shoulder. "So?" he asked.

"He's checking it out right now. Can you come up and give it to him?" Harry asked excitedly.

"All right, I'll be there in a minute. Don't leave him alone for too long; it's going to be difficult for the first few weeks. It was easier for me, but then again, I was older."

Harry nodded and sprinted back up to their landing. Draco had left his door open, and was currently looking at the small collection of books on the small bookshelf next to his desk. "I've never had my own book case before," Draco murmured.

"I take it you haven't heard of the books there, either?" Harry asked gently.

Draco looked up briefly, and then back at the books. "No. I take it these were written by Muggles?"

Harry nodded. "The bathroom's through that door," he said, pointing it out. "We're supposed to share it, but if you're not comfortable, we can change-"

"No!" Draco half-shouted. He blushed at his outburst and continued in a quieter tone. "No, I-I don't want to be any trouble. I mean, you haven't just invited me to live in your house, but your home. I mean... Malfoy Manor is all I've ever known, and it was great, but it was all so cold, so perfect. I felt like I was supposed to belong there, but the more I tried, the more I felt like I was living a lie.

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