My Days With Chase Lovelace: Perface

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 Okay so I have to say that I did end up with Chase. I swear it's tiring being in the spotlight with him. I have to get dressed up in all these fancy dresses and that is so not me. I mean God! I am not into all the glitz and glamour. He was always gone and it was lonely.

 I missed Spencer and my old friends and my mom. I thought back to Danny, and I swear I felt my heart twinge with betrayal. A tear escaped my eye as I rose to my feet. I grabbed the closest thing to me and threw it at the wall. It smashed against the wall and fell to the floor. I closed my eyes when I saw the crack in the glass, splitting Chase and I in the middle.

 I saw the pictures on the TV, of Chase kissing his co-star. He looked into her eyes like she was his world. He never looked at me like that. I heard his mom telling him I was just a phase. He didn't deny it, he just shrugged.

 So I'm going to run. Run and never, ever turn back.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2015 ⏰

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