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3rd Person Pov
Everything seemed to be going wrong in Philip's life. George Washington was resigning, his father had an affair (that whore, he thought about his father), his mother was a wreck. What else could go wrong?

On a nice, warm evening in New York, the Hamilton family put on a brave face for the public and headed to a farewell party for President Washington. Philip didn't expect anything less than his father to get into intense debates and he wasn't surprised when Alex had to be held back from attacking Jefferson within the first ten minutes of the party.
"Father," he had said, "can you please behave yourself."

His father chuckled at this remark and patted his son on the shoulder. Philip admired his father to no end, but he hated the fact that his cared more so for his reputation than his family.
He had put his pride over family when it came to The Reynolds Pamphlet.
Reading that had devastated him.

Philip and Alex continued their conversation until a familiar voice abruptly stopped them. "Alexander, it's so nice to see you! Where is your wife? Oh that's right, you cheated on her. What a shame."

Philip knew this voice. It belonged to Aaron Burr, his father's least favorite person on this planet.

"What a pleasure it is to see you, Aaron." Alex deadpanned. "Who is this lovely lady with you?" He said directing the attention to the girl at his side who couldn't have been much younger than Philip. He recognized her as Aaron's daughter, but he couldn't quite place her name.

"This is Theodosia. Now, she's only fifteen, so watch it!" Aaron made yet another remark about Alex's affair.
Philip hardly noticed because he was so caught up in Theodosia's eyes.

"This is Philip. He's fluent in French." Alex said, trying to one-up Aaron. "Show them, Philip!"

"Uhhh....Ne mange pas la vache?" He said.

"Do not eat the cow? Really? Tu es bête." Theodosia giggled.

Aaron smirked and turned on his heels. Theodosia lingered, blushing and smiling at Philip. He couldn't decipher if she was embarrassed or proud for showing off.

"Theodosia, come on," Aaron ushered his daughter off to greet other families.
Philip was done with this stupid party. He wanted to go home and take off his heavy coat that he had to wear.
He couldn't help but be distracted by Theodosia, even though he knew he had no chance with her. Their families were rivals after all.

But he still was always drawn toward her long, dark hair and shimmering eyes.

He has been admiring her from a distance the whole night, so he was shocked, to say the least, when she started walking in his direction.
"Hello, we didn't get a chance to properly introduce ourselves. I'm Theodosia Burr, and I'm fifteen." She said. Her arm extended out to shake his. When their hands touched, Philip felt his stomach flutter.

"I'm Philip Hamilton, and I'm also fifteen."

Her eyes brightened. Philip could feel his cheeks heat up when she smiled.
"So, are you anything like your father?" She laughed.

"Hopefully not," Philip admitted. He was sure he was red as a tomato as of now. He had seen Theodosia before, so why was she making him feel this way now?

"Yeah, I thought so. You don't seem too bad." Theodosia blushed as she said that, instantly regretting it.

"Ha, you're not too bad yourself," Philip replied.

They talked for hours, and when the time came, they said their goodbyes, not knowing when the next time they'll see each other was.
Both would never admit it, but they hoped to see each other soon.
Theodosia looked in the mirror, examining her long blue dress. Her eyes scanned the delicate fabric. She looked at her face, seeing her familiar dark brown hair and distant brown eyes. She looked so much like her mother had, and she knew it. Her mother, who had died only four years ago, was simply beautiful. Theodosia looked up to her mother and loved her dearly. It came as no surprise when her mother died, however, since she had been sick for a long time.

Theodosia looked back at her face, noticing tears streaming down her face. She wiped them away, moving away to the door of her room.

Her father, Aaron Burr, was a kind man who she loved, but not as much as she had loved her mother. He was so distant and dedicated his life to politics and being better than his rival, Alexander Hamilton.

The Hamilton's were a nice family, and Theodosia didn't see why her father disliked them. She actually quite liked Philip, their youngest son. She didn't know him well, but he seemed down to earth. And he could relate to having a crazy political parent.

Her father frantically burst into her room and started rushing her to get ready for the party they were attending.

Once she finished off flattening out her hair, they sat in an elaborate carriage and rode of to George Washington's farewell party.
When they stepped inside of the venue, Theodosia already wanted to run and hide. She hated social gatherings, and seeing so many people there scared her. But she had to pretend like she didn't mind for her father.

Theodosia's father approached Alexander Hamilton, making rude remarks about his...affair. Philip was standing at Alex's side, staring at Theodosia. He was so distracted that when his father asked him to show off his French skills, he started blabbing about cows. Theodosia took this opportunity to show off, calling Philip stupid in French.

When the conversation ended, Theodosia felt embarrassed at her fathers behavior. She felt bad for being so inconsiderate of Philip, and she wanted to get to know him better.
After hours passed, she summoned up the courage to talk to Philip.
"Hello, we didn't get a chance to properly introduce ourselves. I'm Theodosia Burr, and I'm fifteen." She had said holding out her arm. Philip's hands were sweaty and clammy, as if he was nervous.

"I'm Philip Hamilton, and I'm also fifteen."

She was excited to learn that he was her age too.

"So, are you anything like your father?" Why am I so awkward, she mentally scolded herself.

"Hopefully not," Philip sighed, turning red in the face.

"Yeah, I thought so. You don't seem too bad." Stop! You're so stupid, Theo, she thought.

"Ha, you're not too bad yourself," Philip replied. He seemed really nice to Theodosia, and she hoped they would become good friends.

Finally, the day drew to a close, and Theodosia hoped to see her new friend soon.

a/n lol this chapter sucks, but it's just an intro. sorry about the French part-I used google translate so it's not very accurate. Thanks for reading💙

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