Mated To Betrayal

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My mate the love of my life 3 years of being together 247 we were a team ever since the day he found me at the orphanage he accepted me straight away he is my family the only person I have the only person I could talk to nobody likes me everyone just respects me when he's around because I'm his mate behind his back they abuse me mentally physically emotional and financially I can't tell him because I don't want to make takings worse and for him to see I'm weak and I'm not the one he should be with iv been with him thorough everything too he's my other half the person that completed me but lately he's been brushing me off the first time is when he came home late from his meeting he was angry I walked up to him asked him what was wrong he snapped at me and told me to go away I understood he needed space I can't always be the one who calm him I guess so I went back to my room despite my heart hurting.

Next day same thing he wasn't beside me I need to know what is going on with him I have so much to tell him but I guess that will have to wait.

I went to the phone to see if he was okay he didn't answer this was not like him he never stops talking to me for more than an hour before coming to tell me he sorry and he loves me. I decided to go see him at his office, when I arrived I didn't know what was coming I was nervous since when was I nervous this was Ryan we was talking about he loved me he would never hurt em.

The secretary told me to wait despite me telling her I was his wife, I walked in anyway that was when I saw him my mate my love my life with another women she was pretty was that why he's been so distant that why he snaps at me he doesn't want me any more he has no use for me when he has someone like her with him.

I wanted to cry to scream to beg him not to leave me I know I sound useless but I love him so damn much he's my entire world the air I breathe the only person I have in this world without him I'd be lost most definitely, if he doesn't respect me then I have nothing.

He told me to go away with a disgusted look and shouted at me for disturbing him I was gobsmacked I tried to speak nothing came out I desperately wanted to speak but nothing came out I tried I just looked him in the eyes and walked out with my head hanging down my heart crushed everything I had was messing up for me he's the only thing I've ever had iv never wanted any but him he was my rock my shoulder to cry on my best friend the person who saved me from my past.

The walk him was horrible I sobbed all the way home when he gets home I thought I'd tell him he's forgiven and that we could work this out maybe it was me, he had other plans I guess when he arrived home very late I stayed up and cooked dinner for him and every thing I never leave him hungry pun intended I gave him everything he ever wanted maybe it's me that's why he cheated on me we could work this out.

He told me that I was no longer needed that my service were finished and that we wasn't really married that I was a pathetic human he could never be with someone like me forever I was just something to pass time until the real deal came along now that it arrived I could fuck off back to where I came from, I guess he meant the orphanage

He told me I was disgusting and pathetic for crying I just kept saying I love you and please don't leave me he left me there sobbing my heart out when I woke up in the morning he had a guest over it was the women who I saw with him in the office.

She was wearing nothing but a skimpy short lace robe on top of the counter with him between her legs the image killed me inside my sob broke them from there making out I looked him in the eye and pleaded with my eyes that he stop because he was killing me he's my mate my world the love of my life I never thought about any one but him I never looked at another guy why was he doing this to me why is he breaking my heart treating me like I'm trash like that rest of the pack do so inconsiderate of my feelings there wolves there stronger than I am I can't deal with it.

The bond separation is already draining me him targeting me like this is killing me I need him so much he knows I do I always relayed on him we always relied on each other, what am I to do now.

Then my trance was broke we the Blondie spoke and said she wanted him to get rid of me he wouldn't do that no he wouldn't I'm his mate if I die he would be hurt wouldn't he he knows I have nobody he loves me he didn't lie did he I'm so confused so hurt.

He walked towards me said words I thought I'd never hear in my life "get out, I never want to see you again you clingy ugly bitch" , it took all of me not to beg him to cry to tell him how much I loved him he was throwing away three years of us for someone he lusts and met just a few days ago what kind if person does that how can you wake up forget the person you've been with for like forever how can you just erase everything

I looked up at him told him "please don't do this your my only family your the only person I have". He started laughing

" do you think I care I want you out your time here is done I'm on to better things " he looked at the blonde smiling

She giggles

" I'm sorry for whatever I did Ryan to make you treat me this way to throw me away like I mean nothing to you but I understand I'll get out your way I wish you all the best " I whispered

He just walked back to the blonde I walked to the door


He stopped and turned back to look at me

"What" he snapped

" i-i l-love y-ou s-so m-much please don't forget that "

" just get out if my face you dumb bitch "

He growls

I walk out with a heavy heart I have nothing anymore where am I to go what shall I do

Even his friend Jason hates me nobody like me

But it's worth a try I'll go ask Jason if I could crash at his for a bit

"Jason can I have a place to stay please "

" what Ryan finally got rid of your stupid ass "

I looked towards the ground

" well sorry to disappoint but I don't want u in my house so get lost go kill yourself or something Ryan don't want you your parents didn't want you and I don't want you neither do the entire lack of this city so do yourself I favour live in the forest or something "

With that he walked away

It shouldn't be new to me I'm always used to getting abused and told mean things no matter how nice I am

It hurt hearing it though someone once told me if one person tells you something means then don't believe them but if everyone does it prolly true.

I walk to the forest and found a tree me and Ryan used to come here a lot picnic and midnight sunset watches it was beautiful guess that's all done now the only person I had tossed me away after years if being together I mean it's easy for someone to say suck it up move on but the whole city is small all wolfs so they would. It hire me to work because I was disgusting and all hated me and nobody would let me live with then I was nobody with the alpha Ryan now he had somebody else I'm just invisible pack omega I can feel him breaking our bond now he was marking her didn't he know by doing that he is going to kill me guess he really didn't care for me I was in so much pain I laid down on the bark of the tree to ease my pain heavy my nose bleeding my eyes closing my thoughts of him taking my last breath taken with my last thoughts being of him I drifted off to a deep slumber forever finally at peace nobody can hurt me once I'm gone.







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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2014 ⏰

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