Evil from heaven.

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"Honey wake up" my mother shook my shoulder . I groaned into my pillow and swung my legs over the edge of the bed . Sun was shining through my huge window as always . I grabbed my phone and scrolled down through some of my notifications .

"I think I'm sick" I failed cough . She rolled her eyes and told me to get ready .

"Rude " I yelled out to her . I didn't want to go to new school . My mother says I should be proud that I got an opportunity to go art /design school considering that I will get a high payed job when I'm older . But hey I didn't have a choice since my life is planned out . How great right ?! I groaned at the thought and stretched .

"Honey hurry up . We only got 30 minutes late and you need get ready . Today is your first day and you need to-"

"Okay okay mom I get it !" I pushed her out of the door and heavily sighed . I pulled out some huge black shirt out of the washing basket and destroyed shorts along with one of those huge denim shirts . Impressing people is not my thing so I threw my hair in a messy bun and grabbed my bag walking downstairs .

"Please tell me you're not going like that " I sighed I frustration and opened the front door .

"I'm going like that or not going at all " I snap and she rolled her eyes. "Sassy mommy " I teased as she slammed her car door with all her anger .

"Be good okay ? Don't embarrass your father and I . " yeah you care more about your reputation than your own daughter .

"Oh my pleasure " I turned on the radio not wanting to hear her lectures .

"Okay honey be good and -" she warned me for the 19th fucking time after we finally pulled up .

"Yeah yeah and don't embarrass the shit out of your parents " she gasped at my words . I grabbed my bag and gently closed door. I turned around to face a huge old looking building which had about 5 blocks or so.

I jogged towards the office sign to get my schedule .

"Hello love how may I help ?" She smiled sweetly .

"Oh I'm new here . I just came around to get my schedule " i returned her smile .

"What's your name love ?"

"Giuliani Williams " she handed me my schedule and I walked out searching for my first class . The first bell rang and I was still in the halls that seemed like a freaking labyrinth .

"L8" I took a deep breath and knocked on the door . My heart started racing as I turned the handle and swung the class door open .

"Hello you must be -"

"Lia " I cut her off with a smile not wanting for her to say my full name out loud .

"Take a seat sweety" she smiled and pointed towards the seat at the back of the class. Everyone's eyes were glued on me but I shrugged it off .

"Hey Lia I'm Laura " I jumped not expecting someone talking to me .

"Hey Laura " I shot her a smile and she turned her attention back to the person next her .

"Okay class let's start on our-"

After two period of hell it was finally food time . I love food but I loose my appetite at school for some reason . My feet practically dragged my whole body towards the spot under the tree . Cafeterias are just not my thing.

I took a look around a thinking what to do . I grabbed my drawing book out of my bad and decided to draw the first thing I lay my eyes on .

My dream was to become an artist. Not a famous one but a good one but my parents never approved . The closest thing they let me do to being an artist is a designer so that's why I'm here . But I changed my schedule to art classes anyway .

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2014 ⏰

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