Will you forget about me in 1 year ? As I drink these pills will you care ? You Didn't Care When You Was Calling Me Fat, Dumb, And A Peice Of Shit Long Nights Staring At The Moon Having An Eurge To Escape This Brutal Sitution I was in I didn't I want to be this person I wanted to be an person who was everyone's friend but I guess I was different The Cuts on my arm And Pill Bottles That was in my bathroom I was tired of everyone judging me I was tired of being teased everyday in my life scared to attend school . Everyday At School It Gets Worse So I decided to walk off campus and go home as I get home I wrote an letter explaining how I died and how I didn't want be this person anymore . Walking towards the bathroom closing the door I pulled out the pills and then begun drinking 40 pills at once , my body begun to feel weak then weaker then weaker falling too the ground Without Any Strength in my body hours later I was found with no soul left in my body I'm gone now Momma your happy?