The Innocent Bloom

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Arthur's Note: I just wanted to let you know that this is base off a true story... and yet it isn't. You see this story is based of a murder that happened in the 1800's, I was fascinated with this is story but was unable to find much information on the direct story in general. So I took the main concept on the story and made it on my own. So yes, this is based off a true story but this story hold none of the original content and characters that the murder had based. But anyways, I hope you enjoy.)

Chapter One: The Innocent Bloom

~France 1839, March~

Two little girls, three years apart in age, sat in a grassy field of a farm, belonging to the uncle of the one of older age. The youngest one, of age three, pranced around the field trying to find and pick new blooming flowers hidden in the grassy area. Her once white plain dress was now covered with green stain from rolling around in her childish play. The older girl, of age six, sat quietly on a blanket reading the Bible, or else she would have gotten a stern lecture from her Uncle Édouard. She'd peek up from the book, eying an eye on her sister every once and awhile to make sure she was still on sight.

The two girls were not really sister's, but where so close in age and relations to be so. The two were the only daughters of the two close friends, Célestine and Mélanie. The two girls mother's first met when they were of age 15 and 14 at Catholic School. At first they loathed each other after the two girls were heavily scolded by their father (a Catholic Priest) for physically fighting on school grounds they slowly learned to be acquaintances, not quite friends but acquaintances. At age 16, Célestine got heavily ill because of the winter. Mélanie decided to be her nurse through this hard time. The two were planning to become nuns but after their relationship mysteriously become strong the both dropped the goal, saying that they had another unnamed goal in mind.

Since Mélanie was no longer going to be a nun, her family started to plan a wedding for her now that she was 16. Célestine strongly disapproved of the marriage and the two tried to elope. They were caught because of a backstabbing nurse that told their plan. After this the two friends were separated due to Mélanie's new husband wanting to live near his family all the way in Calmor. It was a few years until the two reunited back in their hometown, both now widowed. This is where their two daughters come into the story.

Now the two girls were quite lovely when it came to their personalities, their names however suggested differently. Basile, the older one reading the Bible, never liked liked her name. While her mother, Mélanie, was still pregnant with her a sickness started to spread on her father's side of the family. That sickness took the life of her father and older brother. Sense the family now lacked a male figure, her mother decided to have the name of her daughter's to be that of a boys. Baslie herself loved that name and was honored to have it, it's only flaw was that it made her a target for bullies.

The younger girl held the name of Lucille, not because of it being a lovely sounding name, but because it was a combination of the name Lucifer and the French word "Cille" meaning "Girl". Now her mother, Célestine, had a deep unloving hatred for her father. Due to this factor her mother purposely went out her way to make their marriage a living hell. The final straw was made when she would only allow two names she made for their newborn daughter, Saterine, as in "Satan's la graine" meaning "Satan's Seed", and Leprudia, as in "Le sperme du diable" meaning "The Devil's Sperm". Her Husband ran a rage and moved away leaving Célestine and her daughter on their own. , Although they are still legally married, because they never Officially divorced, the two heavily consider themselves as parted. After the drama, Célestine decided to go with the name Lucille, still keeping the concept of her being a demon but more in a strong, independent meaning as a way to be joyful about the breaking of the marriage.

Baslie looked back to their plain house. Her family's ancestry was one full of wealth but, like any other family full of riches, they struggled with money and connections after the Revolutionary War. Looking at the house, she noticed a figure standing by it, waving it's arms. Baslie figured that the figure was Édouard, signaling that is was time to come inside. She stood up, dusting some days grass that had fallen onto her blue dress and quickly tighten and fixed her brown hair into a nest bun. She put her book into a sample basket, which was now full of random flowers Lucille had collected, and she called for her sister.

"Lucille! It's time to come back from play!"

At the sound of her name, Lucille sprang up from her flower picking. Her now raggedy, dirt, messy, and grassy appearance reminded Baslie of a dog after hunting. But Baslie couldn't help but laugh at at how her blonde curly locks at her mother tried so hard to style, and contain we're now messed up, frizzy, and covered with mud. Lucille, being the three year old she is, of course showed some unwillingness and whined a bit but soon took her older sister's hand and followed her in.

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