How You meet!

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Flynn Carson:
You are Ezekiel's older sister.
Your POV
Ezekiel had just entered the motel room you rented for the night with a strange yet tall handsome man with him.
"Ezekiel who is this? We're you caught?! Omg you got caught didn't you?!" I panicked.
"Relax sis this man is here to take us somewhere called the library." He responded calmly.
"I'm taking you both! It's only Ezekiel." The man responded.
"Who the hell do you think you are coming in her and trying to separate me from the only family I have left!" I responded pissed.
"I'm not leaving Y/n it's a package deal Flynn!" Ezekiel responded just as pissed.
The man looked at us and sighed. He nodded after a few minutes, Ezekiel and myself and began packing.

Ezekiel Jones:
Your a guardian like Charlene who specializes in chemistry and forensics.
Your pov
After Flynn came back with his guardian Eve, three more people entered.
"Flynn who the hell are they?!" I asked pissed he didn't tell me something again.
A boy with black hair looked over at me, studying me eyes lingering in places they shouldn't.
"Hey bub my eyes are up here ya pervert!" I exclaimed.
He looked up at my eyes before speaking.
"Sorry darling your just so beautiful," he returned.
I glared at him before Flynn interrupted.
"Lay off Y/n, Ezekiel or else," Flynn spoke.
He acts like my brother, were like siblings it's great MOST of the time.

Jacob Stone:
You're Charlene's daughter who is also a guardian. You specialize in all types of fighting and history.
Your pov
"Flynn who the Hell are they?" You asked calmly.
"These were the other librarian candidates. Ezekiel, Cassandra, and Jacob." Flynn answered nervously, he knows not to upset me.
Jacob looked around at the artifacts before his eyes landed on me. I winked at him, as he blushed before turning and slapping Flynn.
"Give me a heads up next time will ya. Hey Eve!" I exclaimed.
Eve smiled as Flynn began to tell these "Librarians" what is the Library.

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