Talker- This is the begining of the robot school let us read the story.
Sr. Springtrap-Hello everyone and ill just introdust myself.I am your Sr. Springtrap as your Mechanic Teacher.
All Ectp.SRP.-Good morning sir Springtrap.
Sr. Springtrap Good morning too you may.ohh i forgot to give you some chairs name.
Sr. Springtrap-but you need to introdust yourselfs too
Talker- then it begins
Bonnie- uhh hello i am bonnie the bunny/i am 18 Years old.
Freddy-Hello everyone im Freddy Fazbear and i hope your all smart and also im 19 years old.
Chica-Hello.My name is chica/im smart teen and im 17 years old.
Foxy-Hello arr im Foxy the pirate fox/17 years old
Fred-Hello im Fred /18 Years old
Bon-Hello im Bon/17 years old
Chic-Hello im Chic same as other one/17 years old
Sr.Springtrap so you have 2 more teachers.Sr. Goldy and Tch.Puppet.
Talker-After that school class and now lunch.
Bonnie-Yey eggs i love it.
Chica-I like eggs to but i mostly like is pizza but im gonna going to eat first is my lunch.
Foxy-Cool Freddy youve got beat my score arr.
Freddy-Because Foxy do you now that i like this game.
Foxy-uhh no.
Freddy-because ive play this game when im 6 years old so i always win.
Foxy-ok now lets eat.
Talker-After the lunch.
Fred-uhh my sweet tummy.
Chic-hey chica,bon and bonnie lets play whos the killer
Chica,Bon and Bonnie-Sure.
Talker-The class begin.
Sr.Goldy-good afternoon everyone.
ALL students-good morning sr. Goldy.
Sr.Goldy- so as i said ill give you bond paper and you all gonna drawing cause we have no class.
ALL-yey drawing i love it thank you sr. goldy.
Sr. Goldy- yourn we...what opps sorry guys but you have a class now just continue it tomorrow ok.
ALL- yes sr.Goldy bye and good afternoon Tch-puppet.
Tch. Puppet-Good afternoon too class.So you have a starting activity now and this activity will start every monday.
Fred,Bon,bonnie and Chica-ooooo.
Talker-after the all class there waiting there services and going home.
Freddy,Fred and chic are playing hide and seek.
Bon,Foxy and Chica are playing shark biter
And also the next day will be having new classmate.
The end of day 1.
Zomb The Story
HorrorThis is the school of robots.I created it because i liked it and also i wanted to make this app on play store but i cant do anything. uhh anyways you will see how there are so smart sometimes bad and sometimes good too.this is a short story of the h...