S U G A (The kiss~)

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Your at the park with your boyfriend, sitting on a bench. You looked at Suga and caught him already looking at you. You opened your mouth to talk but he beats you.

"You're so beautiful." He simply said then smiled at you. You smiled back happily because he says that phrase every single day.

The two of you are still staring at each other when suddenly a girl spoke from behind the bench you and Suga were sitting. "Min Yoongi, is that you?" Your the first one to break the staring contes you had with Suga and turned your head to look at the girl who seems to be the same age as you. You saw Suga gazed at her too from your peripheral vision.

"Oh, Isabelle! Yeah this is me! It's been a long time since we saw each other." You furrowed your brows, confused because Suga never told you about that Isabelle girl. The girl chuckled and sat in between you and Suga.

"You two know each other?" You drew a confused look while secretly glaring at Suga. Before Suga could speak the girl spoke.

"Yeah, he's my classmate when we were in grade 6. Yoongi always buys me lunch whenever I forget to bring one. He used to be the one I like and he used to like me back then.... But I guess he found the love of his life.." The Isabelle thingy flashed a smile with bitterness on you... Probably bragging the stuff about the past.

"Hey both of you, let's walk together." Suga said and offered his hands for you to stand up. You heard the girl beside you cursed silently.

The whole walk is boring because you didn't talk the whole time since Suga and Isabelle were busy talking or reminiscing the past. Your disappointed since Suga didn't even explained anything about the grade six with Isabelle nor he didn't even mentioned her to you.

"Excuse me, can I just sit on that bench since my legs are kinda sore." You lied because you seem like your the third wheel when your the one that Suga loves.... Suga just looks at you and nod. You sighed silently and walk towards a bench near you.

You sat down on the bench and watched them talk endlessly...

After they finished talking the both of them stood in front of you. You just silently glared at them.

"(y/n) let's go home now it's already late." Suga said. To your surprise the Isabelle girl pulled Yoongi close to her and kissed Yoongi on his lips. Your eyes widened in surprise. You saw Suga kissing back so you stood up and walk away from them as fast as you could.

You reached the playground that is distance away from the kissing session. Your eyes began to water since it's your first time seeing Yoongi kissing other girl besides you.

Tears began falling down your cheeks as a pair of hands wrapped around your waist. You just closed your eyes since you know it's Suga.

"I'm sorry." He said sincerely. You removed his hands around your waist then turned around to glare at him.

"That's the first time I saw you kissing other girl besides me. You seem so pro about it." You mumbled. Tears were really flowing out of your eyes. Suga widened his eyes at your statement. Then he tried to cupped your face but you pushed his hands away before it even touch your face. "Don't touch me! I'm not yet done talking!" He looked at you apologetically and waited for you to finish what your saying. "And you technically enjoyed the kiss with her! I saw it with my damn two eyes!" You really shouted this time. With that Suga hugged you tight. Your breathing becomes faster.

"Calm down, jagiya. Look Oppa is sorry... I'm surprised too you know when she kissed me. But Don't even be disappointed when you see other girls kiss me because expect me to kiss every girl in this planet and still choose you." He pulled out of the hug. He cupped your face and the both of you gazed at each other's eyes. I" he gave a light kissed on your forehead "love" then he kissed your nose "you" and gave a peck on your lips.

You were surprised when he said those words which made you flutter. Suga is really good at making people important to him smile in just mili seconds. You beamed at him. "Okay Fine you win. But I will not let it go the next time someone kisses you in front of me." He nodded like a kid who won an important competition while you smiled like an idiot. "I love you Sugums."

"I love you too, jagiya."


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