The Legend

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There are many legends that are passed down from generation to generation in our small village. However one in particular stands out to me a lot. It was the legend of a boy who never grew old and his companion.

The legend was created to scare little kids from going into The Forest, however instead of scaring me, it made me very curious.

Centuries upon centuries ago, there once was a small tribe called Actike. They were, what we would consider, a very stable tribe. Even though they were amongst the first to settle here  in this valley, they were still very strong.

A couple of months went by, the Actike Tribe was still getting use to their new surroundings. However, late one night a small boy, perhaps ten or eleven years old, wandered away from the village and into the forest. The same forest that's behind our village today.

The little boy was curious as to what was in the forest but for some reason the elders in the village told him to never go into the forest. It was as if they knew his fate.

The little boy, now lost, was becoming quite panicked as he trudged through the thick underbrush, trying to find his way back home.

Not so far away in the village, the villagers were on high alert. The mother of the little boy had woke up to a strange thump sound from the room next to hers, so she went to go check it out, only to discover that her son was gone.

As the villagers frantically looking for the little boy, an eerie howl was heard in the distance. At first the villagers thought it was wolves howling in the distance. But by the third howl, the villagers grew frightened. They knew that the howl was much too loud to be that of a wolf.

Back in the woods, upon hearing the howl, the little boy began to cry. He was lost, scared, and slowly losing hope. He was fixing to give up until he heard the voice of one of the villagers call his name.

"I'm here!" He shouts back, regaining a new shred of hope. Again his name was called and again the little boy answered back.

When the voice was a little louder, the little boy started running, screaming over and over again. He was so busy trying to get to the villager calling his name that he failed to notice a pair of pink, almost red, glowing eyes from behind the trees.

The little boy bursts through the small clearing, shouting happily as he ran towards his crying mother's arms. The little boy was happy. He was almost safe in his mother's arms. Almost. Just a couple yards more. He never made it.

Something boomed from behind the little boy. Something that felt like an earthquake almost, except earthquakes don't let out thunderous roars.

A blur of feathers was all the little boy saw. The villagers cry out in fear, but none of them matched the screams coming from the mother of the little boy.

"Mama!" The little boy screams before the beast lets out a mighty roar, swiping its sharp claws across the villagers, missing them by inches. The beast lashed its tail, knocking the little boy off of his feet, knocking him over.

The beast swivel its head towards where the little boy had fallen. Black armor covered most of its face, but the only thing thing the boy could stare at was those eyes. Those pink glowing eyes.

The villagers huddled together in terror and to the little boy's mother's dismay, the beast cat bird thing had, very gently, picked up her son and swallowed him.

"No!" The mother screams as the beast shook its head as if nothing had happened. A couple of the younger men had finally gathered up the courage to throw whatever they could find within reach and throw it at the beast. The beast glared at them, let out a roar, swiping at them. Finally after a couple of minutes of throwing things and the beast swiping, the beast let out a frustrated growl.

The villagers scream as the beast leaps over them, running a little bit before spreading its black feathered wings and launched itself into the air.

That was the last time the mother saw her little boy. For as the beast flew away with the little boy in its belly, the mother had fell to her knees and wept.

After the incident, nobody was allowed to go into the forest. It was forbidden. However, if you look out towards the woods at night, some say you can see the pink eyes of the beast, and what appears to be a smaller, more human sized figure standing next to it.

That was the legend. Or at least I thought it was a legend.

So, I honestly didn't know how to start this story off. But I really, really wanted to write this story so much. Sorry if it's crap, but I tried lol. Anyways I hope you all will enjoy this fanfic :)

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