Chpt.1 : Hello Mr.Hotstuff

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"Im dreading walking through those doors Kevin. Ugh lets just hope Mr.Simmons offers extra credit. Im sure as hell gonna need it after this test," I said looking at the old brick building. In front of me were these huge brown wooden doors. Behind them led to the class of absolute hell....a.k.a my math class.
"You got this! I have total faith in you!" Kevin said as he placed both his hands on my gray oversized crewneck. "Besides, I promised to take you to Yogurt Land after dinner and well, I really want some fro-yo so you better do good on this test!" he said with a little chuckle.
"Gee thanks." I said rolling my eyes.
"Im kidding! Im kidding. You are gonna bomb this test. And its not the end of the world if you dont pass it. Theres still a few weeks left in the semester and Im sure Simmons will offer any form of extra credit for the students who need it. He did say that this test will be the hardest out of the year and theres gotta be students in there that could get all the help they need to pass this class before the semester ends" Kevin said.
"Ugh we will see I guess. Hopefully next semester it gets easier" I said trying to not let this test bring my mood down.
"And besides, just think. Christmas break will be here and we will be able to spend more time together" Kevin said as he pulled my head close to him, giving me a kiss on my forehead.
"Kevin I told you, as much as I want us to spend time together, I still dont really know what my plans are for the break yet. Mariana and James invited me to go up to Atlanta for the week. Plus its been awhile since me and Mariana saw each other and we miss each other like crazy. But then again theres a possibility she might come down here too. And I really dont know what my other plans might be. We just gotta wait and see I guess," I said to Kevin. I could see a sad expression on his face. "Im sorry hon."
"Its alright. Im not mad. I just figured we could get out of San Diego for once and take a trip somewhere but if you have other plans its cool. We have 6 weeks off so maybe we can work something off. But hey listen, I gotta head off to English. Im giving a presentation so I need to head there to review my speech and everything. I'll pick you up later tonight though. You are gonna do awesome on this test" Kevin said to me as he pulled me in for a hug. "Love you". He pulled out of the hug,held my hands, and kissed my cheek.
"Love you too." I said back with a half smile. As I saw him walk away, I started to think about the two of us. You see, both Kevin and I have been dating since freshmen year of college and let me tell you, its been one heck of a journey. Dont get me wrong, I love Kevin a lot but something tells me I should move on in life without him. I dont know why I've been thinking this...maybe its crazy talk...or maybe I lost that love for him.
I just shook my head, erasing those thoughts and walked up to stairs and into the building. The hallway was surprisingly pretty quite. I walked all the way down the hall and made a sharp right and walked into the worst class ever.
I walked over to my seat not realizing that Mr.Simmons wasn't here yet. It was pretty strange because he practically lives in this classroom. I looked around me and saw other students either texting or talking. We were all waiting for class to begin. Where could Mr.Simmons be? 15 minutes passed and still no sign of him. I was contemplating on leaving but all of a sudden, the door opened and in walked a man. It wasnt Mr.Simmons though. It was a tall and buff man with curly hair and glasses, carrying a leather brown brief case. He had on a nice white dress shirt and black dress pants with some polished black shoes on his feet. He put his brief case on Mr.Simmons desk and looked at the class.
"Hello students! Im Mr. Cavill. Mr.Simmons is unfortunately dealing with some family issues and he doesnt not know when he will be back so until then, I will be a long term sub." He said with a deep yet sexy British accent. He smiles at the class with his pearly white teeth. I could hear all the girls woo him quietly. I just rolled my eyes at the that thought of them doing that. Then again after looking back at him, he was very sexy. Ugh what am I think Ariana?! Thinking about a professor is so wrong even if he is a sub! I could help not to look at him though. He was truly a beautiful human being.
"Sadly you guys still need to take this test but Im all ears to any questions you have" he said with the sweetest tone. He lifted the papers of the desk and began to hand each and everyone of us a test. Before he could get to me I reached in my bag to grab a
calculator and soon enough, he stood in front of me waiting to hand me a test.
"Got everything?" He asked with a smile. I could feel my face fell hot. Damn. He was so hot.
"Alrighty then. Good luck" he said to me as he handed me the test. I just responded with a smile. He smiled back at me. I looked down at the test and began to bubble in the answers. But about halfway through the test I stopped. All I could think about was Mr.Cavill. I knew I should have been focusing on the test but thoughts of him kept coming to my mind. Why am I thinking about him?! I felt so frustrated and I looked up to see of people were sill working. As my eyes scanned the entire room, they finally came to a stop where Mr. Cavill was. He was typing things into the computer. He then took a glance and noticed me staring. He just smiled and waved. My fave felt 10x's hotter than before. Could I be falling for Mr.Cavill?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2017 ⏰

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