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warnings; 4th wall abuse, abrupt and unexplained time skips

"Hyung~" a deep, husky voice drawled into his ear. Yoongi frowned before curling up into a ball and pulling his blanket up to completely cover him. It took 10 seconds...10 seconds for his blanket to be brutally ripped away from his body.

Yoongi sighed, uncurled and sat up, "This better be worth it, you little shit." Taehyung grinned whilst folding the blanket in his hands, "Of course~ I've got breakfast ready~." The black - haired man sighed again and made his way to their kitchenette. He sat down in relief as he saw the fast-food logo on the containers.

As heavenly as their oldest brother's cooking was, the two younger Kims were officially banned from all kitchens, especially Namjoon, the middle child.

"So, what do you need me for today?" Yoongi questioned as he opened the food container. Taehyung chuckled, "Straightforward as always. I need a model of a shorter and smaller frame." Yoongi frowned and glared at the other, "Isn't that what your mochi boyfriend is for?"

The younger sighed, "Usually, yeah but he has a showcase at the same time as mine." Yoongi sighed for the 3rd time, "Fine, what time and when?" Tae squealed in joy and hugged the elder, "Thank you! Thank you! You're a lifesaver!"

'M'kay, quick introduction to the troop. That kid over there's Kim Taehyung, he's a fashion major who looks more like a model than a designer but he is. Then there's his boyfriends, Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook, dance and art majors, respectively. They usually modelled for Tae instead but Jimin 'parently has a showcase which Kook will be going to while Jin-hyung comes to support Tae.

Jung Hoseok is also a fashion major and third oldest of our little group, his pieces are usually meant for taller and more built men so meaning, Kookie, Tae, Jin-hyung and Namu. Jin-hyung and Namu are the oldest two of the Kims. Jin-hyung already graduated with a degree in food science and a minor on acting. He's also kinda Instagram famous because of because of his good looks. Namu is a music major, he's also quite well-known in all of the art department cause he's one of the well-proportioned people in the department. A lot of photography and fashion design majors ask him to model for them. Art students often ask him to do the same for some of their classes if he's free, mostly cause he finds it hard to say no to others when he could actually do it.

He's also the Yuri (Katsuki, not Plisetsky) to my Victor, Bok Joo to my Jung Hyung, etc. or my boyfriend for short, yep. We've been together for almost 7 years now. I'm a photography major and I'm obsessed with Yuri on Ice!. There, I admitted it. Fuck, that was long and yes, I'm aware of the fourth wall. I can hear the author shushing from afar.'

"Hyung, are you okay? You've been spacing for a good few minutes now..." Tae asked worriedly. "M'fine, just trying to sort out some things in my head." Yoongi turned his attention back to the food in front of him. Taehyung frowned, "Are you sure you'll be okay with it?" Yoongi waved his hand dismissively, "Yeah, of course. Don't worry about it."

Yoongi sun-bathed through the window, half-listening to his professor ramble about the uses of natural lighting. 'Why the hell is he even talking about that as if we already didn't know that? You have no idea about photography, do you?' Yoongi felt a hard flick on his forehead, yet there was no person directly facing him to do it. The black-haired boy sighed before checking his watch, '5 more minutes before I see my baby... Make time go faster already!' As the 24-year-old tapped his finger impatiently, time seemed to pass by slower. 'Is this what people who have nothing to do feel every single day?' Yoongi frowned to himself before resuming his impatient tapping.

Finally, after 5 gruelling minutes, the class ended. Yoongi excitedly got up and hurriedly got up before his professor called him out. "Yoongi-ssi, if you have a moment?" The other let out a deep breath before turning around and stalking over to his professor. He may not be the tallest person around here but his aura and presence made up for it. The professor gulped loudly before straightening herself again, for a second, she thought she'd seen an actual demon.

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