Wanting My Master

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Yami sighed when he felt a presence in his soul room. He knew it was Yugi since the teen was known for wanting to stay up late as much as possible. And the fact that he was the only one who he could talk to at this time and that Yami couldn't sleep was a known reasoning Yugi had.

"Yes Yugi?"

The younger teen smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head.

"Yah, sorry to interrupt... whatever you're doing." He added quieter.  Before Yami could reassure Yugi, the teen sat next to him on a step of a stair that led to other random floors and corridors yet to be discovered.

"So, still trying to find the room?" Yami shrugged and let out a deep sigh.

"It's the only other thing I only do besides taking over to duel. Yugi blushed since he realized that Yami was making a hobby of saving his and the gang's butts.

"Right." It was an awkward silence before Yugi finally gave up with tryng to get a conversation to go between the two.

"I guess we'll see each other tomorrow?" A simple nod was returned and he slowly made his way out. When Yami made sure that a presence no longer was felt, he got up and looked around the maze.

"Last time I checked, I was on the third floor but... *sigh* maybe later. Ra only knows if it could be the last door and I'll probably never get there until at least another month. "

He decided that he could use some relaxation and transported himself to the shadow realm. Yami was mainly looking for Kuriboh since the little furry ball seemed to want to glomp him all the time.

"Kuri." He whispered deeply as he walked further down the place. The other monsters were busy with either sleeping or talking to eachother in a language that only he could understand. Egyptian.

A sudden fur ball whizzed pass him before it knocked him down. He sat up and snuggled against the soft furry creature, sighing in deep content as he already began to feel better. He rubbed his cheek against the soft brown fur beginning to feel tranquil, but there were so much things that he needs to do before he could feel completely relaxed.

"Kuri Kuri!" What if he never finds out about his past? What if he was stuck in living in a puzzle forever? Not that he minded staying with Yugi, but he knew he did not belong in this timeline. He exhaled sadly in defeat and began walk aimlessly across the endless space until he noticed there were no more noises. He looked up at a door he came across and frowned. Since when did the shadow realm have another room? Curiosity getting the best of him, he slowly opened the door and began to walk in.

Yami suddenly noticed how Kuriboh was violently shivering in his arms making scared noises. He ignored the monster's warning for the sensing of danger and walked on without the monster. Kuriboh knew it could not stop Yami even if it tried and went to get someone else that could save his master.


Yami stopped his tracks in the dark room when he began to hear strange noises up ahead. He hesitantly moved one step but yelped when he felt something squish under his shoe and realized that he had squished a... tentacle?

That is when it finally hit him.

Yami gasped when more of what he had just saw before move out of the shadows. The tentacles quickly moved to grasped him. Sadly before Yami had time to run or move away, both arms and legs were now held in place as he tried to pull away, only for the grip of the tentacles to painfully tighten around his arms. He grunted but dared to go again until the mini monsters pulled him backwards in the air with his legs unwillingly raised before him. He desprately struggled against the bondage but failed miserably. He gasped when he felt something slimy and wet wiggle through his shirt before pulling up, tearing the shirt in process to have his chest and lean stomach exposed.

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