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    Mutsuki opened the door to the Chateau and stepped into the dimly lit hall, shaking the rain off his signature white coat and hanging it on the peg beside the door. Toeing his shoes off he said a soft "I'm home" before heading into the kitchen.

The house was deadly silent, no cheerful whistling came from the kitchen where a black and white haired man should be making dinner.

Nor the soft cursing and the clink of metal that usually floated up from the garage.

The large house felt cold and dark, as if ghostly hands will reach from the shadows and submerge anyone that comes close in its gloominess. Cobwebs danced as Mutsuki walked by  cautiously poking his head into kitchen.

Breathing a sigh of relief after finding it empty. He opened the cupboard and stood for a few seconds staring blankly at the limited selection of instant Raman he found there. Reaching in and choosing the first packet that touched his fingers, before putting water on to boil.

He moved on autopilot and thinking about nothing in particular but not quite in the world of the living either.

With finesse which only came from practise did he pour the water into the cup of instant Ramen and head to the kitchen table with a spoon in hand. The salty noodles tasted bland in his mouth as he slurped them up in a mechanical way, only eating for the sake of eating.

     The noodles would always pale in comparison to Sasaki's cooking. But nothing really could come close to it. It was amazing really, Mutsuki mused, at how a man who couldn't even taste the food he prepared could make something so good it would have your taste buds dancing.

The thought of Sasaki made Mutsuki glance at the chair at the head of the tiny table he was seated at ,as well as the one right beside it. It had been a month since Shirazu's death and Sasaki's departure to Arima's squad.

And yet still the Quinx squad was grieving over the loss of their friend and also their mentor. Shirazu's death had a massive impact on the group, Mutsuki tried his best to stay out of the Chateau as much as possible.

Even as to go so far as avoid the other members of the Q squad. The only way Mutsuki could avoid suffocating with the seemly constant lump in his throat was to go train with Juuzou whenever he was free and to not feel as useless as he was.

Urie had become even more distant and much more eager to move up the ranks. Kissing Masturi Washu's ass every chance he could but he seemed to be trying to stay close to his remaining  team mates. Perhaps it was the scare that followed shirazu's death that made him a much more giving member of the team or that's what Mutsuki had come up with.

Saiko on the other hand had been the strongest out them. Mutsuki couldn't have been prouder of the short blue haired girl, Saiko has started to take her job seriously. No more late night anime marathons and sleeping in. But Saiko although sad at Sasaki's leaving the team defended her 'maman' and has said ; it was "his way of coping".

Urie on the other hand was furious at the newly nicknamed Black Reaper. Urie believed he had run away from them, abandoned them. "How dare he waltz off and leave us with this shit to deal with" was one of his chose remarks after things became heated when he saw their former squad leader heading out for a whack-a-mole mission, with a neutral expression on his face and barely a glance at his old squad mates.

    Mutsuki sighed unhappily at the memory of a fuming Urie. (well him glaring at Sasaki's back and looking as if he wanted to stab him  with a Quinque.)

Mutsuki stood up , throwing the now soggy noodles in the trash and headed towards his room. He flopped onto the bed, not bothering to change into his nightwear and stared at the dull white washed ceiling.

He lay there for what seemed like hours pondering on what he had learned with Juuzou and what had become of the q squad this last month. Shirazu's room still stood as it was the day he died. With no parents and his only living relative dying in the hospital nobody came to claim any of his belongings. The members of the chateau hadn't the heart to move anything, not even his beloved motorcycle in the garage.

"Sassan saved us by putting his life on the line. If you call him a ghoul, then you're a bastard worse than trash. I'll kill you right here!" Mutsuki cracked a smile at the memory. Letting the memory wash over him.

Shirazu had nailed Urie in the chest with a kick sending him flying across the room, the q squad had just come back to the chateau after their run in with Serpent. Sasaki and Urie had a battle of dominance after discussing Urie's lack of judgement about handling serpent and how it put the whole squad in danger. Urie never respected Sasaki thinking him inferior because of his status as a half ghoul and had told him as much by saying "I can't accept this.......even though you're a ghoul". That was the moment when Shirazu had deemed it time to kick the asshole. "Urie! You Trash!" he snarled, barring his shark like teeth and lifting Urie up by his shirt "Sassan saved us by putting his life on the line. If you call him a ghoul, then you're a bastard worse than trash. I'll kill you right here!". Urie grinned darkly "Just try it". Looking quickly between the two Mustuki tried to defuse the situation, "Urie, I'd like you... to apologize to Sasaki." Silence filled the sitting room as Urie cast his dark glare to Mutsuki instead, Sasaki quickly assessing the situation was getting out of hand had made Shirazu squad leader. Shirazu had maintained that title until the day he died. Unbeknownst to the q squad, Sasaki had went up to his room after the argument, leaned against the door and cried. The stress of the evening weighing down on him.

Mustuki was dragged from thoughts when a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, lighting up the small bedroom. The clap of thunder followed suit and rumbled as if was a wild cat prepared to pounce.

Mutsuki heard the front door downstairs open and two pairs of feet trudge up the stairs, each to their own rooms. Mutsuki listened for a few minutes as the other two occupants of the house also got ready for bed. Mutsuki got under the large duvet on the bed, not bothering to take off his work clothes and closed his eyes.

Listening to the storm brewing outside.


Ok introduction all done, i hope i didn't spell anything wrong and in the next chapter will be that start of the dreams concerning Kaneki's past. please leave a like or comment.

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