Chapter one: Welcome to Fairy Tail

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Chapter One
Spade looked warily at his twin brother as they walked down the stony path. The road winded through green hills pleasant on the eyes, and a gentle breeze wafted through the area. However, the scene was wasted upon Spade, whose attention was on whether or not North would pull another prank.
The twins were walking the countryside on their way to the city of Magnolia, the home of the (in)famous Fairy Tail guild, and the next stop on their round-world trip. Of course, they had only been through three quarters of Fiore so far, but the two would stop at nothing.
Spade sighed and glanced at North's twitching fingers, which was a sign that he was prepared to use his polarity magic. Sure enough, a small coin on the side of the road began to lift in the air and float behind Spade's head. Spade easily caught the coin, and put it in his pocket.
North started to laugh. "Well, you're a bit on edge! I didn't realize you were paying attention."
"I've been watching you ever since you poured that water bucket on my head. I'm making sure it doesn't happen again." Spade retorted.
North let out another chuckle. "Perceptive as ever."
Spade tried to see if North was planning anything else, but he looked relaxed. Spade decided to drift his view to the sprawling grasslands, and the mountains in the distance. Yes, Fiore had some truly beautiful scenery. Spade's sightseeing was cut short, however, when he was stepping onto a rise. Suddenly, a sheet of metal covered Spade's view. He wiped it away, and tried to step forward, but his foot wouldn't move. His momentum carried him forward, and he fell flat on his face.
North burst into a fit of laughter, then released the shackles around Spade's legs. Spade started to push himself up and give North a piece of his mind, but he was then crushed under North's weight.
"What's the big idea?!" he asked, but North shushed him.
Spade did as he was told, and heard some shouting from the other side of the rise. He and North both started to creep towards the other side, and stopped just out of eyesight. A short girl was holding a man by the neck against a wagon.
"Tell me what you know!" the girl shouted. "Where is the Mountain Slayer mercenary guild?"
The man spat on the girl's face. "Like I'd tell a pip squeak like you anything."
The girl slowly wiped the spittle from her face, then glared at the man. "Fine. We'll play it your way." She then threw the man to the ground and summoned a ball of energy. She released it into the air, and the power of it forced the man further into the ground. "This ball here uses reverse magnetism, so it basically pushes everything away. Obviously I'm immune to its effects, but you're gonna feel every bit of what comes next." She clenched her fist, and the man groaned in pain. "I can focus this on any part of your body I want, and I know the perfect places to cause the most pain. So let's try this again: what do you know about the Mountain Slayer mercenary guild?"
The man hesitated, but more pressure caused him to finally give up. "Alright, alright! I'll talk! The Mountain Slayers are a bit down the path from here. This wagon was exporting supplies from their base, and we were supposed to come back after selling everything!"
The girl seemed to consider the man before her, but continued the torture. "That's not all. What kind of shady dealings are they involved in? I already knew they were selling weapons to dark guilds, so what else?"
"That's it! I swear! We were only selling those weapons so we could make a larger profit!"
The girl destroyed the ball, then kicked the man in the face, knocking him out. "That'll teach you to spit on me..." she muttered.
North looked to Spade in excitement. "That girl is so cool!"
The girl turned sharply, looking right at North and Spade. Before either of them could respond, she had two large spheres surrounding both of them. Neither Spade nor North could move.
"Who are you two and what are you doing here?" The girl asked.
Spade felt a bead of sweat on his face, but ignored it. "My name is Spade, and this is my twin brother North. We're wizards travelling around the world."
The girl frowned, and expelled a puff of air from her nose. "Tourists." She seemed to look them over, then her frown deepened. "Where's your guild insignia?"
"We don't have one!" North exclaimed, a little too loudly. Spade glared at his brother, but didn't say anything.
The girl dissipated the spheres and started to walk back to her victim. "There's nothing to see here. Get a move on."
Spade pushed himself to his feet and dusted himself off. He then looked curiously at the man, then at the girl. "What did that man do to deserve what you did?"
"I don't know how much you heard," said the girl, "but he's a part of a mercenary guild called the Mountain Slayers. They take work from anybody and for any cause, as long as there's money in it for them. And if that wasn't bad enough, they've recently been selling weapons and stolen spell tomes to dark guilds."
Spade focused on the man's right shoulder, which displayed an insignia of a mountain. "What are you going to do about it?"
The girl was inspecting the wagon as she answered. "Break in, wreak havoc; basically mark today in history as the day no more mountains were slain."
North whistled at that and began to walk down the path. "Well, have fun with that! I think me and Spade are just going to get going now..."
"I want to help." Spade answered quickly.
North fell flat on his face, then quickly got up and looked at Spade, astonished. "You WHAT?!?!"
Spade resettled his footing as to make a 'determined' stance. "This 'Mountain Slayer' guild sounds like they could be a real problem. I want to help get rid of them." Spade then gestured to the girl, who was going through the man's pockets, and took a pouch of gold from him. "Besides, do you really want to let a girl go attack a deadly guild by herself?"
North seemed to think for a moment, then sighed. "I swear, every time something like this happens..."
Spade clapped him on the back and then walked over to the girl. "I believe my brother and I will be joining you."
"Who said I wanted your help?" she asked pointedly.
"Nobody, however, I think that the threat of this mercenary guild should be taken seriously, and should be dealt with as efficiently as possible."
The girl gave Spade a glance, then North. "What kind of magic do you two have?"
North pulled a metal ball out of his left pocket, then made it float in the air. He then changed its shape to a star, a triangle, and then the blade of a knife. "Polarity." He said, then put the blade back in his pocket.
Spade took a stance, and threw his hands forward. "Glass-make DOME!" Suddenly, a large glass dome surrounded the three, and then crumbled down.
The girl nodded and then started walking down the road. "If you slow me down, then I'm leaving you behind."
North gave Spade an annoyed look, then swung his arm out, gesturing to the open road. "After you, Senor Bright Idea."
Spade rolled his eyes and then followed the girl. It appeared that Magnolia would have to wait.
North sat back in a chair enjoying the scene before him. One man was desperately fighting a floating sword, and another was barely dodging the half-hearted stabs of another. Two men were fighting a floating pike, and still more were dodging flying arrows. North took a sip from a drink he had taken from one of the men, and let out a sigh of contentment.
North, Spade and the girl had infiltrated the armed fort of the Mountain Slayer guild minutes earlier. They had tried raising their drawbridge, but North quickly broke the metal chains lifting it. Shouts of "Wizards!" filled the fort, and many armed mercenaries lined up to defend it. Mayhem ensued.
Spade had run off to who-knows-where, taking out the guild one by one. The girl was easily able to be located by the screams of her victims, and the occasional explosion. And North had simply stood there, and told the mercenaries to do their worst.
"This is pitiful." North mused. "You'd think they'd prepare for people like me." North noticed a soldier had an iron belt buckle, and then melted it off of him. The soldier's pants fell, revealing an endearing pair of heart underwear. "Nice!" North called, and the distraction allowed North's floating sword to hit the soldier with the flat of the blade, knocking him out.
North stood up and started pacing in front of the scene before him. "I really don't understand you mercenary guilds. Did you guys think you were immune to magic or something? Or maybe you thought you could defend yourself with these weapons??" North clicked his tongue, then continued. "Let's take a sample case: that Salamander dude running around. He's got fire magic. What would you guys do if he came here?"
The mercenaries were too busy to hear what North said, much less give him an answer. However, this didn't deter him from continuing. "EXACTLY! Nothing of worth! Maybe burn to ashes or something, I dunno. The POINT is that you'd lose..." One of the soldiers broke free from fending off the pike, and rushed towards North. Just as he tried to swing his sword at North, his own iron glove punched him in the face. The soldier crumpled at North's feet. "If you'll EXCUSE ME, I'm trying to monologue here!"
From atop a wall, Spade summoned several glass spikes to hit some soldiers, launching them several feet in the air. He then looked down and saw his brother. "North, quit messing around! We've got to wrap this up!"
North took another sip of his drink. "Nobody appreciates my talent," he muttered, and then set the drink down. He then used the sword to knock one soldier out, whacked some soldiers repeatedly with the pike, and used the arrows flying around to dent many of the soldiers' helmets. Within a few seconds, all of the surrounding guild members were unconscious, one of them with his butt in the air, and displaying heart boxers.
He then took one of the shields from a mercenary, stepped on it, then floated up to the top of the wall where Spade was fighting. With a quick motion of North's hand, the remaining soldiers flew off the walls and dropped into the moat surrounding the fort.
Spade gave North a grateful look, then wiped the sweat from his brow.
"Getting tired, brother?" North asked with a grin.
"Not because they're difficult, there's just so many of them."
"I guess." North then noticed someone riding a horse up the road towards the fort. "Incoming."
Spade and North jumped down the wall, and ran to where the draw bridge was. The man rode across it, then dismounted his horse. He looked to Spade and North disdainfully.
"Are you the two miscreants attacking my guild?"
North was about to answer, but was shoved to the side by the girl. "Are you Korr, leader of the Mountain Slayer guild?" she asked.
North looked incredulously to Spade. "Where did she come from?!" Spade ignored him.
Korr bowed to the girl. "The one and only. And who might you be?"
"I have been hired by a desperate widow to take you in. Her husband was killed by a dark guild a few weeks ago. Upon further investigation, however, she discovered that the weapons used by that dark guild were created by a mercenary guild: the Mountain Slayers."
Korr chuckled. "I do not engage myself in the affairs of my customers. Maybe she should be seeking vengeance upon the dark guild who committed the deed."
The girl grinned. "Maybe, if it weren't for their elusiveness. So she's going with the next best thing: the root of the problem. So let's make this transaction easy: come with me willingly and face the penalty of your crimes, or I'll drag your lifeless body."
Korr reached for a long saddle bag on his horse, and pulled out a staff as tall as him. "To surrender would be dishonorable."
The girl's eyes lit up. "Have it your way."
Korr then ran at the girl, swinging his staff at her head. She quickly summoned a circle of energy, which deflected the staff. Korr swung again, but the girl ducked under it and rolled away. As Korr turned and tried to charge her again, she summoned a ball of energy in the sky, and the staff flew out of Korr's hand. The staff flew into the sphere, and promptly collapsed on itself. Korr winced at the broken weapon, then swung a punch at the girl. However, she was already behind him. The next thing Korr knew, he was on his back and looking up at the sky.
The girl leaned over him. "I am Valka, a Fairy Tail wizard. And you're coming with me."

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