Chapter Two

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"I'm going to Hogwarts today!!!" Maya screeched from the doorway, before running and jumping up and down on her parents bed. Catherine laughed, grabbing the girl and pulling her down so she was lying between them. "It's five am, we have a few hours still. Shhh." The girl groaned but pretended to let herself relax so her mother would loosen her grip. She closed her eyes, trying to fall back asleep, but it felt like pure energy was coursing through her body.

She groaned, sitting up and shuffling to the end of the bed, before hopping down and heading back to her own room. Her trunk was in the centre, ready to go, just waiting for her toothbrush once she was done with it in the morning- well, later that day. She paused, and cartwheeled over to her bed. Hopefully that would get rid of some of her energy. She stood on her bed, then flipped off, landing squarely on her feet. She smiled. She had always been an energetic child, so her parents put her in muggle gymnastics classes to try and let some of her wild energy out. She loved it, and would miss the classes while she was at Hogwarts.

She spent a few minutes practicing her stretching and floor routine, then stood up and looked at the clock, letting out a large groan when she realised it was only 5:30am. She rummaged through her trunk, pulling out A History Of Magic to begin reading. She hated sitting down and reading, and would always fidget. But hopefully she could pass the time until 6:30 when he parents would get up. She yawned, flicking through a few of the pages, unable to focus. She wasn't looking forward to her lessons. If she could take them while running around, that would be perfect.

Finally, Catherine knocked on the door and popped her head in. "You can finally get up now." She teased. "Thank Merlin!" Maya cried, shoving her history of magic book into her trunk and grabbing her clothes for the day. It was just a pair of jeans and a jumper- she would change into her robes on the train.

"Here you go love." Matthew placed a bowl of cereal on the table as Maya hopped up onto her seat. "Thanks dad." She beamed, before tucking in. Catherine came downstairs, carefully levitating Maya's trunk behind her. Maya clapped her hands together in excitement, bouncing up and down on her chair. Matthew placed a hand on her shoulder. "Relax, or you'll topple over." He warned. "Not having you show up covered in bruises- someone will think you're abused!" Catherine frowned. "That's not really an appropriate joke to make in front of an eleven year old, Matt." She scolded. He smirked, playing his hands on her waist and leaning in to kiss her. She rolled her eyes but allowed him to kiss her on the lips. Maya pulled a face. "Gross you two!" She groaned.

Catherine looked at her watch. "Come on then love, let's get going."
"YAYYYY!" She winced as Maya let out a high-pitched shriek, hopping down from the chair and running laps around the dining table. Matthew grabbed her, lifting her up into the air over his head. "Calm down fire ant!" He chuckled. "I'm tired just watching you."

Maya held her father's hand as they prepared to apparate to Kings Cross station. Her mother placed a hand on her shoulder, and the three disappeared, reappearing down an alleyway down the road from the train station. "Stay close." Matthew instructed his daughter, taking her hand. She skipped next to him as they entered the station, and made their way to the wall between platform nine and ten. It was busy, but wizards were not very good at blending in with muggles. Maya could see a girl her age with bright pink hair, skipping next to her parents. Her dad was dressed like a muggle, but her mother was wearing robes. "You going to Hogwarts too?" The girl asked Maya as the two families lined up to go through the wall. "Yeah, I'm Maya." Maya greeted, holding out a hand for the other girl to shake. "I'm Dora." The pink-haired girl responded. Their parents greeted each other. "Matthew Cartwright, you're Andromeda and Ted Tonks, right?" Matthew asked.

"That's correct, you must be Matthew and Catherine Cartwright? I've seen you around the Ministry." The woman who had been introduced as Andromeda Tonks greeted. Maya was jumping up and down. "Come onnnn can we go through?" She whined. Her dad laughed, nodding his head, and she let out a squeal of delight, grabbing Dora's hand and the two girls went through.

"Woah." Dora said, gazing up at the train in delight. "That is ace." Maya nodded in agreement. The adults came through the barrier, and Matthew and Ted but the girls' trunks on the train. "Now, have a good year. and write regularly." Catherine said, resting her hand son her daughter's shoulders. "And remember, no matter what house you get into, we love you."

Meanwhile, Andromeda was telling her daughter to make sure she behaved. Dora was scowling and rolling her eyes. Matthew came back, picking his daughter us and spinning her around, before pulling her into a big hug. "I love you." His eyes were teary, and Maya giggled.

"You're a big softie, dad. You'll see me at Christmas, and I'll write every week!" Her parents finally let her go, and she hopped up onto the train. Dora followed, and Maya gave her a grin. "We're gonna be friends, I can already tell. Wanna get a compartment together?"

"Yeah sure!" Dora agreed. They wandered the train, unable to find an empty compartment. A door opened, and a freckled faced boy with red hair smiled at them. "First years?" They nodded. "It's my brother's first year too, why don't you sit with him?" He gestured to the boy sat in the compartment, who gave them a wave. "I'm Bill Weasley, this is my brother Charlie."

"Dora Tonks." Dora went and sat down opposite Charlie, offering him a hand. Bill was looking at Maya curiously. "Maya Cartwright." She introduced herself, joining the other two in the compartment. "Hey, you two look like twins!" Dora joked, pointing between Maya and Charlie, who started choking on air.

"Haha." Bill scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "I'll leave you kids to be acquainted." He closed the door as he left. The three first-years studied each other. "Must be nice to have an older sibling to look out for you." Maya commented. "I'm an only child."

"Me too." Said Dora.

"I have six siblings." Charlie said. "I'm the second oldest. Bill is thirteen, Percy is eight, the twins Fred and George are six, Ronald is four and Ginevra is three." The two girls blinked.

"Blimey." Said Dora. "That's a lot." She unfastened the toggles on her raincoat, revealing a yellow knitted jumper underneath. "What house are you two hoping for? I'm hoping for Gryffindor. Bill's a Gryffindor, so were our parents." Charlie said. Dora gestured to her yellow jumper with a grin. "Hufflepuff. My dad was a Hufflepuff and my mum was a Slytherin."

"Both my parents were Ravenclaw, but that's not for me." Maya said. "Too uptight. I kinda want to go wherever I'll have the most fun?" The other two laughed. The train jerked, and set off from the station. Maya gasped in excitement, her feet swinging. "We're on our way! How long does it take to get there?"

"Like six hours?" Charlie guessed, and Maya flopped onto her side, burying her face in the seat with a groan. "That's such a long time!" Charlie tucked his feet up underneath his so he was crossed-legged, opening a book he had brought with him. It was Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them by Newt Scamander, but it had clearly been read quite a lot as the cover was worn and faded. "What lesson are you most looking forward to?" Dora asked. "I'm excited for Herbology. I'm nervous about potions, I'm really clumsy and I'll probably fall into my cauldron!" Maya snorted. "I'm excited for flying lessons mostly. And Care Of Magical Creatures, but I can't take that till third year. I love being outdoors." Charlie's face brightened as he looked over his book "No way, me too! I want to be a dragon tamer when grow up." He declared. "I love dragons, I think they're ace."

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