For the Purposes of Study

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     "Where does the old boy live?" Shad asked, looking at Ashei over his spectacles, trying to sound uninterested, even though he was quite excited. I mean, no one could blame him, Link had been to the City in the Sky.

     "Er, Ordon I believe." Ashei said, as if she didn't realize she were answering the question. Shad nodded and took a sip of tea. Ashei was in deep conversation with Auru about which metals were best for swords, which Shad could usually entertain conversations such as these with his inserts about the chemical compositions of the certain metals, but other than that his knowledge on the subject was limited. The only weapon he had ever used was his dagger that he used as a bookmark. He had woken up one night at one of their campsites, being playfully attacked by a Keese and found himself screaming at the top of his lungs and swinging the dagger at the poor animal.  Ashei couldn't stop laughing for what felt like days. 

     "He's coming down here with Rusl today."  Ashei said interrupting Auru and then turning back to him and rudely asking him to continue. Shad bolted out of his seat.

     "Marvelous!  I've desperately been needing to speak to him. " Shad said, calming himself down and sitting again. Ashei looked at him bemusedly.

     "A bit excited there Shad, Yeah?" Shad blushed a bit, as he commonly did and smiled excitedly.

     "Imagine it Ashei! That Link has been everywhere! And, Heavens, The old boy's been to The City in the Sky!" Shad said, leaning forward and unstrapping his book away from where it lay strapped to his back. He pulled a pot of ink and a quill from one of the bags he had hooked to the front of his cargo belt and put them on the table, taking special care to make the display symmetrical and parallel. Ashei snorted and rolled her eyes.

     "Such a neat freak." She said before turning back to Auru and talking about how obsidian was sharper than steel, even though obsidian is not a real metal, which Auru pointed out.

     "We're talking about metals, not rocks, Ashei." Ashei rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

     "But Obsidian is better than ALL of the metals."  At that moment , the bar opened and Rusl and Link walked in. Much to everyone's surprise, Link wasn't wearing his Hero's Armour, he was just wearing his stitched-together looking Ordon clothing. Shad almost didn't recognize him at first. He had only ever seen him with the green tunic.

     "So, were's the skirt?" Ashei teased. Link blushed heroically and grinned.

     "I left it at home." He said, his demeanor shy.  As always. Shad turned to Ashei.

     "Why would he wear his armor when the danger has passed?" Shad asked her rhetorically.  

     "I wear the armor when the danger's passed!" She hissed.  

    "Oh! Link! How nice to see you dear!" Telma the buxom waitress said winking. Links blush deepened.

     "Hi Telma, how're you doing?" He said walking to the bar to greet her. Telma smiled warmly.

     "I'm doing well,  how's that sweet girl Ilia doing?"  She asked, more a note of seriousness in her voice. What happened between Link and Ilia wasn't what Link had expected to happen. After the light was restored, Ilia was doing well, its just that they hadn't...  Fallen in love.... like Link was sure would happen.  Link asked her if she wanted to start a life with him and she told him that he was like her brother. So much for that. Link had already, mostly,  gotten over it.  He just needed to go to Castle Town for a bit.

     "She's doing fine." Link said smiling weakly. "I'm going to go and say hello to everyone else." Link said turning away from Telma and waving.

     "Link old boy! How nice to see you." Shad said smiling warmly. Link smiled and walked towards the table where Ashei,  Auru, Shad and now Rusl  were. 

     "Yes! Link, glad to have you." Auru said beaming.  Ashei's greeting consisted of the remark about Links "skirt" and a painful-but-playful punch to the arm. Link smiled in a bit of a forced way and rubbed his arm.

     It took a couple minutes for Link to get warmed up to them, but soon enough they were all laughing and Ashei was prodding link to get a beer. Link politely declined and got a glass of milk instead. 

     "So how have you been since you went back to Ordon?" Shad asked, his timid nature apparent. The strange thing about Shad was that he acted less timid around people he knew less. Link felt a sudden pang of guilt as he recalled his treatment of Shad in Kakariko Village, which wasn't overtly bad, he just kind of blew Shad off and treated Shad like a nuisance, which because of it,Shad had even felt like a nuisance at the time. 

     "I've been fine, its kind of weird going from saving the world from horrific shadow beings, to goat herding, but I am adjusting." Link said shifting in his chair to face Shad. Shad chuckled lightly and smiled.

     "I, Unfortunately have been caught doing the same things I have always done, which is trying to gather information, and ultimately, finding out things that are either irrelevant to my research or things I am already well aware of." Shad said, taking a sip of his tea. Shad looked up at Link curiously.

     "Say, Link, I may be asking for too much, but I am not aware if you've already a place to spend your nights, but if you would like, you could stay with me for a few days and perhaps  see if you know anything about the Oocoo that I have not come across yet. After all, you did go to their city!" Shad asked hopefully. Link, to Shads relief, smiled in agreement.

     "Of course." Link said kindly. This could be Links way of returning the favor. After all, if it weren't for Shad, Link wouldn't have been able to save Hyrule. After an hour or two of  talking and catching up among'st  the resistance group, everyone was knackered. Of course except for Ashei, who seemingly never got tired. On the other hand, Link valued sleep in a way not many people did. 

     Shad and Link walked to Shads Castletown home, which was cozy and filled with books. 

     "Where should I sleep?" Link asked, sleepiness washing over him. Shad glanced around and nodded towards the sofa.

     "That should do. Is that sufficient?" Shad asked turning around and grabbing a red knit blanket. Link smiled oddly wondering if Shad had made it. 

     "Of course." Link said smiling politely and taking the soft blanket. Shad grabbed a book off of the table and started heading for his room. 

     "Good night Link." Shad said, turning around.

     "Night Shad." Link said settling down on the sofa. Shad hesitated for a moment, considering saying something else, but decided against it and went to his room to read until he fell asleep.

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