Two Different Worlds (Dean Ambrose Story.!)

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I thought I'd never be here. In his arms, looking him in his face as he flashes that gorgeous smile with is blue eyes and wonderful dimples.

"You look nervous. Are you okay?" Dean asked as he looked in my face.

I smiled and blushed: "I'm fine. As long as I'm here with you."

We walked down the hall hand in hand. My life was complete. I finished college, got into my dream job and found someone I wold love to spend the rest of my life with.

"I'll get us something to eat, you wait here, I'll be back." Dean said as he kisses my forehead and leaves to order our food.

I took a deep breath in closed my eyes and thought about it all. When I came to the WWE. How I made friends. How I met and fell in love with Dean Ambrose.


"Hey girly, what's up?" My best friend Elena said.

"Hey, I'm just about to go to the WWE Performance Center. Want to come?" I asked her as I was getting my bags ready.

"Yeah just let me go get my bags." Elena said as she walked out the door.

Oh yeah, I'm Kenalaya. I always wanted to become a professional wrestler. I always loved seeing all my favorite, powerful divas such as Lita, Trish Stratus and many more kick butt while looking good doing it.

As I got my car keys, Elena came down to meet me.

"You ready?" She asked as she put her bags in the back of the car.

"Yeah, lets go!"

Me and Elena live in the same apartment. She was my roommate when I was in college and we've been best friends since then. I always came to her when ever I have problems with guys or just need a friend to study with. We both did 2 years at University of Central Florida.

We made it to the gym. Elena decided to run on the treadmill and I lifted weights and did sit ups. Then all of a sudden Stephanie McMahon came up to me and Elena.

"Elena Howard and Kenalaya Houston?" She asked as we got up nervously. I'm always nervous around Stephanie McMahon. She was the Queen Bee. The Boss Lady. Lady in Charge. But she was always an inspiration to me.

"Yes?" Me and Elena answered nervously.

"I have some great news for you girls. You both will be on NXT next Thursday! Okay now both of you will be in different matches. Try and finds some stage names and a finisher you girls would like to use. Then run it by me and Hunter and we'll see how it works out." Steph said with a smile.

Me and Elena screamed in excitement. I couldn't believe this was happening.


Me and Elena thought of the names and finishers we would use. I decided to use my real name, Kenalaya and my finisher is a Round House kick because I have long legs. Elena's stage name was Lady El and her finisher was the Shining Wizard. We talked to Steph and Hunter about what we picked and they agreed.

Elena was in a match first. She went against Bayley. She won by hitting a roll-up pin.

Before my match, a group called The Shield, had a match. When I was getting ready, I was so nervous that I started running into people. When The Shield finished their match, I was getting ready to come out. Just as I left the managers room, the door flung open and hit me in the face.

"Ow!" I said as I fell to the floor.

Oh crap, I'm sorry." Said the deep voice.

"Oww, I think its bleeding. Can you hand me a tissue?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2014 ⏰

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