# One

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Chapter One.

Lost. The one word that can mean so much to anyone. The meaning of not knowing where to go or not knowing what to do. The word that everyone can say that they have felt at least once in their lifetime. For me that word means my life existence. It's hard to be the one that scraps by with grades without trying and having a social life but having nothing that you actually want to do with you life. I use to look up to my twin, my grades were great, in fact they were fantastic. I never needed a social life or to go out every weekend to get drunk of my face and hook up with a random I will probably never talk to again. My life was perfect but now.... I'm lost.

Laying in a random guys bed from last night I turn over to see Alex laying next to me. I lean over and give him a kiss on the cheek to wake him up. He murmurs but doesn't open his eyes just yet. I am not patient in the slightest so I decide to jump on him finally awaking my monster of a best friend up.
"Bitch! Get off me!"
"Hey, that is no way to speak to your best friend there teddy. " I say in my baby voice pinching his cheeks.
"Cal, please? I've looked after you all night, stopped you from hooking up with Joey freaking Tate and this is how you repay me?" I get off him feeling guilty and run my hands through my hair.

"Good morning? Thank you for looking after me!" I reply to his rant with a soft voice. Alex looks over to me and gives me one of his cute sweet smiles that I know means he forgives me. I smile back and give him a quick cuddle before jumping out of bed!
Walking around looking at some randoms guys bedroom I turn to Alex who is still in bed. "Who's bedroom did we decide to crash this time?" I smirk at him. "The one and only Tyler Beckett" Alex replies with a small smile on his face. Tyler is the guy everyone is in love with, not because he's anything amazing but because he is hard to get, only pays attention to those in his close circle and has a girlfriend and it doesn't help that he might possibly be the most sexiest guy on this planet!
Alex here is part of that 'everyone' group.
"OMG!!!" I jump up and down sarcastically. Alex's response was to throw a pillow at my head but thankfully missed.

"We should probably get out of here before he comes up and tells us to get out!" Alex says worriedly. I had forgotten that it was Tyler's girlfriends birthday party that we went to last night so Alex must have just found a room and crashed it. I don't blame him for wanting to get out!

I quickly grab my dress off the floor and put it on before getting pushed out of the door by Alex. I miss waking up in Lils bed after falling asleep there as I did every Saturday night but a lot has changed.
Walking out of the front door I'm stopped by the bitch Tracy grabbing onto my arm. "Hope you enjoyed my party!" She sneers at me.
"Sure did it was a night...." "Great don't let the door hit you on the way out" I want to rip her apart but then I see Tyler standing behind her. "Calley right?" He asks me hovering beside his girlfriend! "Yup I'm going to leave now before I do something that I'm sure I won't regret, bye!" I give them both a fake smile before walking out. He knew my name, he has always known my name. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be able to forget it seeing as he would come around to my house every Wednesday never missing a time.

I need to stop romanticizing about my past and move forward because nothing of that past is ever coming back. The one person I wish could come back is definitely in the past and there is nothing that I can do to bring her back.

I jump into Alex's car and we drive back to my place, when he tries to come in I refuse him. Giving him a quick hug before disappearing inside and closing the door in his face. It's not his fault that she is gone, it's not Tyler's, it's not mums and it's not mine which I know but I wish there was someone to blame.

The next week or two is going to be the hardest since she has gone and I don't even know it yet. I would never have expected what was to happen. No one could've known.

Heya guys, so I hope you are enjoying the story so far! I think I'm gonna have so much fun writing this. Let me know if there is something that you think I should do I would love some advice! Thank you for reading :)
Georgia xx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2017 ⏰

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