Just Another Love Story (boyxboy) (STORY ON HOLD)

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Jeydon's P.O.V:

First day of school. That's always fun. NOT! I hated school with every fiber of my being. I didn't really get along with people at school, seeing as I was one of the only openly gay guys. Well there was my brother Chris, but no one messed with him about being gay. He had the reputation of pounding anyone's face in who had anything bad to say about it. So, everyone loved and feared him. Then there was my brother Jason. He was straight as far as we knew and kind of a loner. But enough about my brothers. I walked into school and looked around. I saw all of the same faces I see just about every year. Then I walked up to the front office to pick up my new schedual. I saw a guy, a little shorter than me standing there. He was wearing electric blue skinny jeans, a band tee, and alot of bracelets. Typical scene kid, I thought to myself. Then he turned around, and I felt my jaw drop. He. Was. Perfect. Big blue eyes that seemed to sparkle. And a smile that could light the world. He looked at me, and held out his hand for me to shake. Smiling at me. "Hi," he said much to happily, "I'm Cameron Pike! But you can call me Cam. Or Cam Chaos! I just moved here." It took me a moment to catch my breath and I took his hand and shook it, and finally spoke. "I'm gay! Oh god. Why does that always happen? I promise I don't have mental problems. I'm just spaztic." I said, probably blushing one-hundred shades of red. He laughed. "Well nice to meet you Gay!" He said giggling. "M-my name is actually Jeydon Monroe. Yes I am gay. And sorry for that moment of pure retardedness. I don't do well around new people. I usually stutter or mix up my words. Both of which I have already done, and if I didn't mention I am a homo, so if you are a homophobe or something please just go away now, because the last thing I need is another homophobe." I said quickly. Why did he make me so nervous. I just met him. He was just a guy. An amazing, perfect, beautiful guy. But a guy. Then he spoke again. "Well nice to meet you Jeydon. I am socially awkward also, but optimism helps. And I don't have a problem with gay people. My best friend, Marcus, is gay!" Cam said. From what I heard he wasn't gay. Crap. So much for that. "So Cameron, want me to show you around?" He smiled and nodded. We compared schelduals and we all of the same classes except for bioligy, and we both had a free period 1st so I showed him around. 

Cameron's P.O.V:

This really cute guy named Jeydon was talking to me. I made a new friend! And he was hot! But I had to play it cool. I couldn't let anyone know I was gay. Not after what happened to.... Nevermind.. But anyways, he showed me the gym,and where most of my classes were (which thankfully I had most of them with Jeydon!), the best stairwells to use to avoid being trampled, then he brought me to a door. He took a key out of his back pocket and unlocked the door. He opened it and rushed in, pulling me in after him. Then he shut the door and locked it. "Don't worry. I didn't bring you in here to suduce you or anything. I just usually hang out in here when I am bored or have free time." He said calmly. I looked arounded noticing it was a nurses office. And by the looks of it, it hadn't been used for a while. "So what do you want to do." I said nervously. How was he so calm? "I don't really know!" He said laughing. I looked around some more and found some docters tools. ThenJ eydon screamed, "Lets play docter!" I laughed and sat on the cot thingy. "All right," I said, "But any misconduct and I will be forced to report you!" I said winking playfully. He laughed and took the stethascope, and put it in my ears. He reached down and lifted up my shirt, placing the metal part on my chest. "Hmm..just like I thought..." He said in his best docters voice. "What is it docter?" I said dramatically. "You have a heartbeat. And an amazing body." He said laughing. I could feel myself blushing, my cheeks getting hot. 

Jeydon's P.O.V:

We were both laughing, while I performed so more medical exams. Then I asked him to stand up. he did and I stole his seat. "Oh hells no! You did NOT just steal my seat!" He said giggling. I picked him up, and he let go of me falling to the floor laughing. I tripped over his leg and fell landing on top of him. I looked down at him, his eyes looking even more beautiful this close. Then I looked at his lips, they were formed into one of his perfect smiles, and without thinking I leaned down and kissed him. For a moment it seemed as if he was going to kiss me back, but then he pushed me off of him, and stood up. "Don't ever do that again faggot!!" He practically yelled at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2012 ⏰

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