People stare and I look away.
Why do they look at me that way?
I look down and still feel the stares.
Just want to be anywhere but there.
People think I'm just diffident and very shy
And that it's the reason I don't speak my mind.
But there's derision all around me
And I sometimes feel like I can't breathe.
I never like to have so much attention
I'm always filled with modesty.
I'd rather stay in the shadows
While others have their own spotlight.
But people won't ever understand why.
Only if I know you will I speak to you.
But if I don't I don't know what to say or do.
I'm more comfortable when I'm alone.
I'd rather stay in pjs all day at home.
I laugh a lot and spend time with friends.
I get sad when good things come to an end.
I've been through a lot of pain
I've gone out and danced in the rain.
I treasure the little things in life
And people can easily make me cry.
The smallest gestures can make me smile
I can dwell on things for quite a while.
No matter how much someone hurts me i'll still love them.
People walk all over me but I’m too scared to stop them.
I don’t forget about the past.
I know that not all good things are meant to last.
I have nightmares and sweet dreams.
They feel so real I think they are actually happening to me.
I sing in the car with the radio on.
The person I look up to is my Mom.
It takes a lot to get me mad.
Any snide remarks can make me feel bad.
I’m sometimes insecure and have no confidence in myself.
But other times I feel like everything is going well.
So when you look at me all you will see
Is a girl who is lost in the world.
But if they saw what I really am
They would actually understand.
All people think is that I’m diffident and shy.
They think that its the reason I don’t speak my mind.
But hopefully in the end they will see that
They don't know me.