The chase begins.

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It begins, the chamber spins, the barrel meets his skin, the sensation, not knowing if he'll win, she wants to play the game, to feel the same, she tries her luck, she pulls he ducks, the sound goes round she's on the ground, he looks around, her blood is found, how could he do it? He let her choose this, the blood is on his hands, sprinting through the door, he tries to escape but the memories are there forevermore, he saw the red stain the floor, the image of red stained marble eternally burned in his head, he knows she's dead, that's why he fled, he knows she's dead, that's why the floor was red, the sensation was mistaken, closing the door, he looks around, no one heard death's visit to his home. The sound of the door behind him gives a startle he wants to go back, maybe she survived. A half hearted attempt at cheering himself up, he just couldn't stand the sight of seeing dead love if she hadn't, which was the more likely result. Going against his own personal feelings, he goes back. He still spots the blood on the floor, taking a moment to regain his composure, he reluctantly finds his way around the doorway in a single stride. Limp and lifeless with the six shooter that decided her fate laying beside her, every shrivel of his soul crushed by the sight of his love taken away by a game of chance, or was it? She's slightly breathing almost unnoticeable at a single glace, his heart resumes pumping, he rushes over sitting in the pool of blood surrounding her upper body. She lost consciousness on the way to the hospital, but her fate has been placed in the doctor's hands, which gave him hope, a smile even, that is until the doctor reveals his worst nightmare to be his horrible reality, "We've done all we could do but she couldn't pull through", out of tears at this point he just hangs his head and walks away knowing the time spent trying to run away was time that could've been used to rescue her before death secured her within his grasp, he wants to be next, the angel he fell so deeply for has been taken and he could've stopped it, even letting her play was his fault, guilt being the dominant emotion for him, He leaves. His attempt to escape the day his life essentially ended 11 years ago brings him to Los Angeles, Snapping out of his thoughts, Cass remembers the urgent matter at hand this morning at work, if able to prove his worth, he could receive a well deserved and needed raise. His usual routine was interrupted when he knocked a woman's papers on the ground, not caring enough to help out, he continues to walk to the door. Finally arriving home, he fumbles with the keys to unlock the door. As he opens it, he feels the urge to give a rematch to the game he won years ago.

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