Running Girl

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A/N this is just a short story I wrote recently, hope you like it. Also I may be publishing a new book of all my old stories that I have written before, so stay updated! Meppy xox

Ringing. My phone keeps ringing. Ringing... and ringing... and ringing. I know who it is. It's them. My childhood family. The Shadows. The people who controlled me... my life.The people who told me to sneak into innocent people's houses and steal. Steal. I knew it was wrong all along. But I was too afraid to say.

I shift slightly on the old sofa, pulling its tattered cover over my frozen body for warmth. The phone lies, still screaming, on the floor. I don't touch it. This abandoned house is still, eerie. The ringing has become as natural as silence. Suddenly, a sharp 'ping' breaks the noise. It's silent. My blood runs cold. With trembling hands, I pick up the deadly device. A message. From them.
"We know where you are, Lock."
Lock. My name. No, their name for me. My finger traces the tattoo of an open lock on my right hand , recalling that pain. Everyone had one...Key...Lock...Steal... all pathetic names stabbed into us permanently. I can feel the hot tears stinging my eyeballs, my breathing galloping, my thoughts becoming desperate, emotional. Even though I ran away from it, my childhood brings back too many memories.
I take a deep breath. What can I do? Run. That's all I'm good at. Running. But even I can't run forever.

I walk over to a window. Then I glance back. Nothing. Nothing to miss. A thought hits me. Moments later, my bare foot smashes down onto the phone and the screen goes blank.

Shards of glass are lodged into me, my face, my hands. The window frame is empty, the remains scattered. I slide down the wall, catching my feet on certain bricks, like they taught me how to. The road is icy on my feet. I don't have shoes. No one did. Too loud. Too dangerous.

I am the only one about. Just me. I creep along the roads, hiding in the shadows. I was a Shadow once. A mere puppet to Thief, our leader. I shake myself. Get it together; stay alert. Our golden rule.
A chill runs down my spine. No. I'm not alone. Someone is watching me. How did they find me? How did they know? How did... I don't have time for this; I need to run.

Running. Running as fast as I can. The buildings rush by. But they're behind me. So close I can feel the raspy breath on my neck.
"You can't run forever!" A voice screams over the wind. My blood runs cold. I can feel my legs beginning to falter. No. No, this couldn't be happening, not after all these years, all this effort. No...please... just one more minute, one more second. Any time but now.

The world spins - I take a moment to steady myself. Something pierces the back of my neck, the world spins forwards, and everything goes black.

Even I couldn't keep running forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2017 ⏰

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