chapter 1: Not So Dense

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          Clear water swooshed against Lucy's feet. Her toes curling into the wet sand.
"Lucy, come on in, the water feels great!" A male with pink hair waved his arm back and forth to get the blondes attention.
"No....thanks, I'm fine where I am..." She muttered but loud enough for him to hear.
She wasn't trying to be rude to him she just wasn't in the mood especially after Brad dumped her yesterday.
"Luce....."  He frowned as he pushed his way through the water and onto the shore where lucy sat.
She glanced at him once then adverted her eyes to the sand that was still squished in between her toes.
He couldn't stand her distant behavior it killed him. "Luce come on cheer up, he wasn't that great of a guy anyways and besides," He smiled at her as he plopped down next to her," you don't need a guy, your perfectly fine without one!"
"You don't get it...." she didn't bother looking at him as she spoke. He just didn't understand anything about love or feelings that were related to romance and she knew that.
" what don't I get?" He watched her sigh in irration, he stared at her pink luscious lips.
"He....was perfect....natsu....he could have been the one."
Grumbling softly she stood up and stepped slowly into the water.
She just didn't want to be near him at the moment....he just didn't get it...
She walked further into the water until it was up to her thigh. She watched as small waves pushed softly against her skin, washing away the specks of sand that stuck to her from sitting down.
She dipped her hand in the water and swirled her finger around.
The blonde flickered her eyes from the water to the sunset....
It truly was breath taking...
It was beautiful how the sun looked like it was dipping into the water.
She jumped slightly from the sudden heat she felt on her ear. His breath tickled her ear with a burning sensation causing her to let out a soft yelp.
He said her name again this time huskily while wrapping his strong arms around her from behind.
His hand gently rubbed her stomach while his arms still remained firmly around her.
"Answer me when I'm talking to you, luce...."
A small growl erupted from his throat causing the blonde to shiver with slight pleasure.
'Whats with him all of a sudden....he's being so dominate and touchy....'
"W-what do you want...?"
"Lucy....he'll never be the one...."
Brown eyes widden at natsu's words. Was this idiot not as dense as she thought....
"Natsu, w-"
"He hurt you....but I'll heal you....I'll make you new..."
His words seemed to come out in slow motion to the blonde....she just couldn't understand what he meant...
He turned her around so she was facing him, her brown eyes immediately meeting his dark onxys ones. She felt stunned in place with his beautiful eyes that only focused on her. His rough yet gently hands roamed her back but soon stopped at the tie of her swimsuit.
He continued to lock gazes with her as he rubbed his fingers over the the small and easy knot that kept her bikini top on. "N-natsu...." a soft whine escaped her lips as her eyes filled with lust.
Unable to contain herself she smashed her lips onto his. Her arms wrapped around his neck while her hands tugged on his pink locks causing him to let out a muffled moan.
His fingers wrapped around the strings on her swimsuit, giving it a rough tug, making it slide off of her.
Lucy felt her bikini top slide off and plop into the water. He pressed her body harder against his chest as he distracted her with his tounge that slide into her mouth. He wanted to please her, wanted her to notice him and give him all of her attention, needed her love and needed her touch. He was tired of hiding his feeling if she didn't see him that way then he'll get her to see him that way.
It pissed him off when he heard about Brad and how much she liked him but now that he broke up with her....he could finally have his chance....he could make her feel better and he could get her love.
Swirling his tounge in her mouth she moaned lightly and pressed herself against him.
Breaking away for air, her legs feeling like jelly she began to slide down but natsu quickly held her up.
"Lucy.....I'm better...than him....."
Lucy only nodded her head, too horny to understand anything right now.
Her lips parted slightly as she let out soft pants. "Lucy...."
He whispered her name ready to kiss her lips again.
"NATSU, LUCY, IT'S LATE YOU GUYS SHOULD COME IN THE HOUSE, IT'S GETTING COLD OUT!" a raven haired male named Gray yelled out with a Lantern In his hand that shook lightly from the winds soft blow.
Natsu couldn't help but growl slightly from being interrupted.
"COMING!" He shouted back as he scooped up the horny blonde in his arms along with grabbing her bikini top that surprisly didn't float away.


"So did natsu cheer you up, lucy?" An armored women spoke as she plopped down on one of the beds.
"I-i um...y-yeah..."
Her cheeks burned with the color red so she quickly turned her face in the opposite direction so Erza wouldn't see.
"That's good, I'm glad your doing better after Brad- I mean it's good your not as upset as before haha....hehe...." the red head gave a nervous laugh.
That's right Brad....left her....she almost forgot about him because of natsu who seemed to have distracted her well enough for her to forget him for a bit but sadly Erza had to say his name causing the blonde to frown. Her mind seemed to flicker back to yesterday on there break up. It was like a broken record that repeated over and over again.
"Lucy, I-i didn't mean t-"
"I know....but could you please leave me alone for a bit...."

--------------to be continued ---------------------😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻
I hope you guys liked this one, I know I keep starting books but I get these really fun ideas for a book and I just have too make it!! Anyways I plan on too his book being only 5 chapters or maybe more I'm  not sure but for now I just hope you enjoyed.

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