Chapter One

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A cold wind blew from the east.. Suddenly the tranquility of the early morn has been disrupted by loud screams and thunderous noises. Someone was screaming her name but a different name it was.. everything was hazy and she couldn't see who it is. And then something or is it someone?--lifts her up and puts her in a bundle, A gentle voice saying "I'll take care of you.. You're safe.. "

"Wake up!"

Allana woke with a start. "Already? It's still too dark outside you know, " she complained while wiping away the sleep from her eyes and sat up in bed. She frowned and tried to remember something but failed.

"Hah! I bet you forgot what day is today," spat Rheah her auburn hair shaking from side to side.

"Oh my god..Rheah you could have told me right away!" Allana sprang from bed and immediately took her cloak behind the door.

Rheah just rolled her eyes. The two of them hurried out of the house and locked everything before they at once set out into the still dark road ahead.

Anyone looking at them might mistake them for sisters. With their cloaks on, you could make out their fair coloring, shapely figure and beauty yet one has auburn hair and the other has hair as bright as the sun. Their eyes are quite different too. Rheah has eyes as blue as the ocean while Allanas' eyes dark as night. They keep their hoods on so as to not attract much attention.

Soon they arrived at their destination. Many people were milling about the square already. The chill of the early morn did not seem to affect any of them. A trumpet blew overhead and announced the arrival of the King with his most trusted advisors and knights. The people hushed and waited.

King Ranolph swept his gaze through the throng of his subjects and clears his throat. He had been mulling over the decision and announcement that he has to make for several months now, yet there is no other solution. He has to take a chance if only to save his kingdom. The oracle must be fulfilled.

"Good people of Zedd, there will be a tournament that will start a week from now. My son the Prince Cristof is nearing his twentieth birthday and is looking for a wife," the king paused to let his words sink in. A gasp escaped the lips of every available maiden in attendance.
The king continued, "This is not an ordinary tournament for not only it is dangerous but a tournament specifically for the ladies and maidens of the realm. Each family must have one daughter to volunteer and report at the palace by dusk today. They will be instructed by my most trusted advisors regarding the tasks they must undertake." With that said, the king left, leaving an uproar of peoples voices chattering away.

"What is that about?," exclaimed Rheah once the king and his entourage is out of sight.

"I don't know.. But maidens? Not soldiers or men of the village? For heavens sake a dangerous tournament!," Allana couldn't help but shudder. People within earshot are bobbing their heads up and down in agreement.

"Well, I don't think we have a choice..,"shrugged Rheah.

"Let's go! We have to get home and wait for mother and father to come home then we decide which of us will volunteer. "

Then the two of them reluctantly led their feet back to their home. They walked in silence for sometime in deep thought.

Rheah thought, 'I don't think I want the tournament. Who cares about the Prince anyway. I don't. No one has ever seen him so far. For all I know he might be an ugly duck. I wont risk my life and comfort of home just to be on a perilous journey. No way! ' she sighed and linked her hands with Allana who is also in deep thought. What she is thinking, no one knows.

Faraway to the east, a foglike mist is fast approaching the Kingdom of Zedd.


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