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Lucy pov
         It's been six months already,the guild are ignoring Wendy,Levy and I.Ever since Lisanna came back,the guild slowly started to pay more attention to Lisanna instead of us.

           One day,wendy,levy and I were sitting at the corner of the guild drinking our milkshake when we  saw team Natsu and team shadow gear came walking towards us,we were quite happy until we noticed their face were all sad.We thought that they were coming to apologise to us for ignoring us for SIX WHOLE MONTH!!!but,we were wrong,team Natsu started to open their mouth and said things we don't want to here,"we are kicking both of you out of team Natsu"Natsu said while looking towards Wendy and I
Wendy pov
When I heard those words,I was on the verge of tears,but kept it in not wanting to show the guild that I was crying
Lucy pov
The first thing that came out of my mout was to ask something I regret,"why?""why?its because you are weak and always hide Behind your spirits and we always have to save you,and we and up getting injured for that!"
Meanwhile with team shadow gear
"So what do you guys want to talk about?"Levy said happily,"we uuhh.....decided to kick you of team shadow gear because you are weak,and you should try going on solo jobs to become stronger!"once levy heard that,tears of sadness started to slide down her cheek.
Back to lucy
When team Natsu and team shadow gear walked away,wendy and I started to comfort Levy.

Hi readers,I hope you enjoyed this first chapter!this is my first fan fiction I wrote so the story might suck,and to me I think it suck.But those who enjoyed this first chapter,thank you!sorry for the short chapter

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