Her Sorrow

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Her Sorrow

Annalisa heard the footstep outside the hall and thought it was Deleon but as soon as door was open, she was shocked to see her father standing on the door with his soft eyes.

"Dad!" she gasps and her eyes shone with happiness, in that moment she feel more grateful towards the Deleon, he not only safe her but also inform her father. He is really a good person unlike the rumors she heard about him.

"Annalisa" then he strides towards his daughter feeling relief and happy, "I thought I had lost you" he said and hugs her while he closes his eyes in relief.

"I'm fine dad" she said and slowly pulls away, "and I'm sorry dad I made you worry".

"No honey, its okay, I'm just glad that you're fine but Annalisa where did you go? and how did you end up with Deleon?" he asked with both worried and curious...

So Annalisa tell him everything how she went to outside for a fresh air and get lost in the forest and her encounter with creature and how Deleon safe her?

James couldn't seem to believe what he heard from his daughter so he asked, "Are you sure honey? Because I never heard about that creature before, maybe it is a wolf; you might mistake it with man in darkness, after all it happened in night time" he try to convince his daughter...

But Annalisa shook her head denying, "No Dad it is a half man and half wolf, Dad I had seen it with my naked eyes and it was not so dark outside because of the moon, why don't you believe me Dad it was so big and dangerous. Not only once but twice I had seen that creature that night" she said desperately.

"Honey, why don't we talk about that later?" James said with his calm voice even though he is so worried about his daughter health.

Annalisa shook her head, "but Dad...." She trial off as her eyes landed on the Deleon who is leaning against the door with a dark look on his face like he is glaring at her...then she remember that Deleon also saw that beast since he save her life that night.

So with her determined look on her face, she said, "Dad you don't believe me right?" James sighs, "Anna...you know..." before he could complete his sentence Annalisa stop him, "but if I tell you that Deleon also saw him...would you believe me? Because he was the one who had saved me from that beast..."

"Anna honey I had already talk with him but he didn't say anything about that beast which you claim to see" James shook his head denying her.

Annalisa narrowed her eyes, "Dad if you don't believe me then ask him now" then she nod towards the door, James slowly turned around only found Deleon leaning on the door and looking at them intensely...James narrowed his eyes but didn't say anything.

"Deleon please tell my Dad that you also saw that beast on the forest, from whom you saved my life from" she said desperately trying to prove her point...

He looks at her intensely as he slowly walks towards them and said, "I think you need to rest"

She shook her head stubbornly, "No, just tell him"

"There is no such thing Annalisa" he emphasizes each word as he narrowed his eyes on her.

She was stunned but soon recovered and glares him, "but you also saw that beast...yo..." she was cut off rudely by her father, "that's enough Annalisa, you have to better quite arguing....we have to go now"

She sadly nod to his father, she knows that he is never going to believe her unless Deleon told him the truth but big question is that why Deleon refuse to say anything? He didn't even answer her earlier.

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