A young soul

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A stranger approaches a young soul and says

"Young soul why do you look so lonely in that beam of light, that beam of light with friends around you?"

The soul looks up with big sad blue eyes and says

"I may be surrounded by friends, but I have never felt so alone in my life"

The stranger replies with a puzzled look upon their face.

" you see"  she said with a dramatic pause "none of these friends know my true self, and I hide it , afraid of losing company"

The stranger smiles

" Young soul, tell me, have you learned all these friends names? much more their favorite colours?

the soul looks around, and exclaims with surprise " No I haven't"

"you haven't yet" the stranger corrects, then asks

"Young soul...tell me when was the last time you listen when these friends are speaking to you"

"I have....A little...who cares what they have to say it's better to be quiet and work out my own problems"

I see, you still haven't opened up your poor closed little heart to these friends who want to help you yet...

I see the soul says

yes I hope you do see young soul, tell me when was the last time you felt beautiful?

I can't say ever, what does it matter, all the suiters are taken, and none would love me anyway"

Then, answer me this young soul when was the last time you thought your self beautiful

...I have told you...never

Yet the stranger corrected and paused

Then, said the stranger you will never be beautiful you will never feel beautiful if you never accept your beauty, not your beauty for the suiters, but the beauty in you, for yourself.

How must I do that?

Find beauty in the things you do, Find beauty in the sky the ocean, and the earth,find the beauty in yourself, , then my young soul you will feel beautiful, then if you wish if you must find a suitor, not because of your beauty out side, but the beauty within.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2017 ⏰

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