C O R NNN (one shot)

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*What would happen if Iris is the uke? Find out now on the spinoff ishhhhh*

As usual Iris was messing with Kacie even when she was flipping cooking and could potential kill a person if she didn't stop.
"Iris, oh my gosh, stop scaring me while I'm cookingggg." Kacie said with the most sweet voice she can offer. She was never mad at Iris because she's so biased over who to be nice to. They both loved each other so much one could call them bros. Kacie finished cooking and took the 420 corns out the oven and placed it on a table because it was their 69th day anniversary for being together.
Kacie and Iris both sat on Iris's dining table. They picked out food they cooked together. Iris ate a corn. She loves corn because of the lovely sweet yellow taste. She bit into the corn, all the juice came out as Iris slurped all the dew out and crunched it and swallowed with a large gulp. The sweetness always calmed her annoyingly energetic mind and soothed her so she won't shout every word she said. Iris glanced over to Kacie. Kacie was staring intently at Iris'. She couldn't take her eyes off of Iris' seductive way of eating. Kacie's cheeks started to redden; she didn't notice Iris staring right back at her. Their gaze lasted for at least a minute. They both got wrapped up in the situation and didn't realise their faces getting closer and closer. Iris and Kacie both tasted a sweet corn flavour in each other's mouth as they licked every nook and crannies of the other's mouth. Kacie continued to kiss Iris' smooth lips passionately as she was enjoying how Iris was reacting to it every time. They slid their tongue harder inside. Iris pulled her closer so that her body so that they would be clung onto each other. Kacie did the same; she dragged her hand across her slender body down all the way to her rear as she carefully squishes them. Kacie could feel that Iris was flinching but she kept going. Suddenly, as if Iris got embarrassed, she quickly slipped her hand under Kacie's shirt and proceeded to unhook her bra. Kacie's bra fell on the floor and as a result Kacie blushed heavily. Iris continued to kiss Kacie as she pressed her breasts on Kacie's. As if they were having a fight, Kacie slid her hand down Iris' pants to feel her smooth rear and continued to squish it.

Looks like Kacie is going to be on the top today.

Kacie took off Iris' shirt and bra, revealing her naked AAA cup breasts. Kacie felt super naughty to see her flat chest because she's into things like that and licked her lips. She also slipped down her pants and panties and scanned her body, knowing that Iris would be aroused and as she predicted, she did blush. Kacie took her shirt and panties off and nudged her breasts in hers to navigate Iris to a wall. Kacie rubbed her hand across her pearly breasts and enjoyed the look Iris has. Kacie put both of Iris' peaks in between her fingers and slid her hands up and down. Iris squeaked with a surprise. She closed her mouth to stop herself from moaning.

"Kacie you're being too har- ahhhh" Iris squealed loudly.

"I know," Kacie replied with a grin. She was enjoying this way too much. Kacie stopped playing around with Iris' peaks and instead lowered her head down to her already aroused peaks. She licked the top very carefully as if she was tasting ice cream.

"Ahnnn... Kacie.... ahh..." she moaned, unable to stop herself. Kacie then opened her mouth wider to completely encase her erect peak with her mouth. She sucked it gently as if she was trying to drink the non-existent milk out from it. Iris was quivering. She never felt this sensual in her life.

She was so close to coming.

Kacie giggled. She moved her hand down to her slit. It was already very sticky and could feel the throb even just by slightly touching it. She searched through her slit to find her sweet spot and started rubbing it furiously.

"Ahhh! Kacie... Kacie.... ahh....ahhhhhhhh!!" Iris' slit was on fire and burnt Kacie's hand but Kacie liked being burnt because it felt good. The fire spread to the walls and all but the only thing that mattered was Iris coming. Kacie continued to slam her fingers right up her slit as her sticky stuff was acting like lube. And finally, Iris cried while all her juice came splashing out from her slit right onto Kacie's hand while extinguishing the mess that her vajayjay created. Iris panted heavily, her heart pounding rapidly from a arousal she never felt before. She looked up on to Kacie and saw her seductively licking her lips.
Iris flopped on the ground and breathed heavily.
"Kacie... I... down there... it's tingling" she said, barely managing to get her voice out. Kacie was smiling. Iris just looked so cute when she's like this. She's always on the top and doesn't seem to make any lewd faces ;)).
"Oh my gosh. I never knew that being the sadist feels so good." Kacie smiled, almost seeming like she went insane. She stood up and walked over to the table and grabbed a piece of CORN. Iris' eyes widened.
"Kacie, what are you planning to do." She exclaimed. Kacie said nothing and proceeded to walk towards Iris as she held the corn like a knife and smiled like this creepy nerd you always see in hentai manga. Again, she blocked Iris from moving. She took the corn and slowly lowered it to her baby shooting hole.
"Nnooo" Iris said even though she doesn't seem like she hates it. She brought it closer to Iris and Kacie could see her hole throbbing like crazy. Her vajayjay looked like it wanted to swallow the damn corn. So without further ado, she pushed the corn right into the slit.
Iris screamed. Lol I guess she was virgin even at this age XDD. Kacie immediately felt happiness that Iris, the girl who only shows emotions of happiness, screamed from pain and pleasure.
"Kacie... AH, it hurts!" Iris cried.
"But I know you like it ;)))"
"...ahn noooo, Kacie ah ahhhHh" Iris continued to howl.
The corn was sloshing vigorously through Iris' vajayjay and slowly Iris' pain secedes and turns into some sort of ultimate pleasure. Iris couldn't stop crying.
"Kacie... no I'm gonna..." she blurted out, but couldn't finish the sentence. Instead, more sexy juice blasted out from her hole and splattered all over Kacie. Iris was panting very heavily, she couldn't believe she just came to a god damn CORN. She looked over to Kacie, dazed over how much juicy juice came out from her hole. Kacie, again, licked her lips. She tasted the saltiness of the juicy juice.
She giggled, "You taste so nice in the inside,"
Iris just did the unthinkable, she blushed harder than whatever colour tomato is. Kacie giggled again and slid the corn in her mouth and gave it a blow job. Iris just sat there and stared at her, still panting from all the smex Kacie did to her. She walked up to Kacie to hug her lightly while still silently shivering from the excitement. Kacie looked over to her and they both smiled with tranquility and canoodled each other.

"I really like corn..." they both said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2017 ⏰

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