I wonder why people act the way they do.
I wonder why we put on a fake smile when someone says hello, even though we are dying inside.
I wonder why we ask a stranger "how are you?" although we don't give a fuck
I wonder why we smile at a little kid at the park, when in reality we claim to hate children
i wonder why we hold the door for an elderly man and greet him kindly, although we hated taking care of our grandparents
I wonder why we get embarrassed when we are all human and we all make mistakes.
I wonder why we pay money to tell our problems to a stranger, when we are surrounded by friends and loved ones
I wonder why we say "I'm sorry" at a funeral, although we had nothing to do with the death
I wonder why we fall in love when we claim to love alone time
I wonder why we act different in front of different people, when we should always act the same in front of everyone and be ourself
i wonder...