your eyes

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They drift past mine as I try to, unsuccessfully,

grab hold of their attention.

They drift past timid glances cast in your direction

in hopes of seeing your gaze meet mine.

They drift past the yearning mine are filled

for a simple hello from you.

Your eyes.

They drift by my smile, not seeing the invitation, however silent, for a grin of your own.

They drift past lips that wish to speak of feelings ignored.

They drift by teeth worrying my lower lip as I wonder

what's wrong with me because you don't see me.

Your eyes.

They drift past my unsteady hands

twirling my curls nervously around my fingers.

They drift past the nervous tugs on my sleeve when I talk to you.

They drift by me having to stop myself from looking too long

and, wow, do I hate that.

Your eyes.

Drift past the sparks I feel, the warmth that flows within me

when you speak to me... acknowledge me.

They drift past the maybes and what ifs and many possibilities.

They drift past the fact that i. want you.

Your eyes.

They drift past me.

You'll never truly see me.


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