Complimentary Colors Excerpt, 35 pages

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Chapter One

I knew he didn't belong the moment I saw him.

He wasn't cut by money or shaped by political interests, and the rental he wore was a bad joke in the ocean of Versace suits and Chanel ball gowns, fitting him tight across the shoulders and short in the arms. A belt held up his pants, and the waves of extra fabric did nothing to accentuate the ass I knew was just as perfect as the rest of him.

I drank my champagne while the stranger picked his way through the clumps of people gathered in front of the hideous paintings I had on display.

"Paris darling, Mr. Darcy was asking you about one of your works." Julia put her hand on my arm. I ignored my sister and Mr. Darcy. Whatever it was he wanted say to me, I'd heard it before; Mind blowing, so unique, see the passion, the fire, and my favorite, it speaks to me.


Only one person could see the dirty secret hidden within the lines, the color, the violence.


I handed Julia my empty glass.

She tightened her grip on my arm. "These people came a long way to meet you."

They always came a long way to meet me. Even if it was a block away.

"Bathroom," I said. Julia frowned. I think she knew I was lying but didn't want to call me out on it in front of her friends. I peeled away her fingers. "If you don't mind, of course." I slipped into the crowd.

Julia would give Mr. Darcy and his flavor-of-the-year wife some excuse on my behalf. Then she'd slay them with her silver tongue, and by the end of the night, they'd write a check for some ungodly amount and buy a piece of hell I'd spewed out into the world.

They'd hang it in their country home or put it in their yacht. They'd smile and laugh and remain deaf to the confession screaming to be told.

Heat from the track lighting pressed down on my shoulders. Greetings cast out by guests floated in shades of black and gray.

I followed the stranger's trail of color all the way to the back of the gallery. He disappeared around a partition and through a door. I checked to see if anyone was watching before I went in.

Cold fluorescents replaced track lighting, and the hum of the ventilation system snuffed out a burst of laughter. There were only two doors in the maintenance hall, besides the one that shut behind me.

A deep mechanical sound chugged from behind the one left open. I slipped inside and turned the knob so I could control the catch.

The man crouched beside an opening in one of the large metal units. Even on his knees, I could tell he was about my height, but his shoulders were wide and his limbs were thick.

I hoped that trait didn't stop at his legs and arms.

After a few minutes, he seemed satisfied and replaced the panel. When he stood, I had a brief glimpse of the curve of his ass when his slacks tightened.

He turned and dropped the tools he held. His hip hit the metal hull of the unit, and it boomed.

"Jesus Christ. You scared the shit out of me."

A five o'clock shadow dusted his jaw, hardening his features enough to make him look dangerous. And there was already no doubt left in my mind that he could kill me if he wanted to.

He wiped his hands with a rag from his pocket. Scars crossed the knuckles of his callused fingers. The thought of his rough grip on my body left me hard.

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