Chapter 1

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I have to look at the rankings again.

1. Tris

2. Uriah

3. Lynn

4. Marlene

5. Peter

6. Will

7. Christina

I can't believe I made it in to dauntless. Christina pull me into a bear hug "We made tris we're Dauntless!" "I know I can't believe it." "Everyone our new members will pick there jobs tomorrow and will be assigned there apartments tomorrow as well." Max yells over all the screaming. After staying with the rest of Dauntless till midnight I decided to go to the dormitories and try to sleep but I just can't stop thinking of what job I want to get I want to train initiates but I also want a government job.

"Tris wake up!" "Tris wake up!" I don't want to get up but if I don't Christina will keep yelling "what do you want Christina, I'm trying to sleep." "Ya, I can see that but we have to eat breakfast and then we have to get ready to choose our jobs." she wines "Fine I'm getting up." I get up and take a shower before getting dressed and walk to the cafeteria when I walk in I walk straight toward the chocolate muffins grab two then sit in my usual seat. "Good morning beautiful" I'd recognize that voice anywhere. "Good morning four" "so you have any idea what job you'll pick." "I'm thinking dauntless leader and initiate trainer" "those sound like good choices." "Alright new members you get to choose your job in 20min think about what you want very carefully there's only one leader position available two tattoo artist three initiate trainer positions the rest are at the fence" Eric yells.

My 20min go by quick when I hear Eric yell "alright new members time to choose since Tris was ranked first you go first what do you choose." "Dauntless leader and initiate trainer." Christina Will and Lynn picks initiate trainer, Uriah and Marlene pick control room with Tobias, Peter and the rest get stuck with fence guard. "All right to get your apartment come up here and grab your keys. I walk up and grab my keys I'll be right across the hall from Tobias I can't help the grin that spreads across my face. "So what apartment do you have." Tobias ask me "I'm actually right across the hall from you." "Really." "Yep your stuck with me." "I'm never stuck with you Six." "I love you four." Then we kiss but are interrupted by Christina. "Tris, where's your apartment." "I'm room 304." "Really I'm room 303, all right we need to go shopping for new clothes and stuff for our apartment." "Christina can we see them first before we go buy half the stores please." "Fine." "Tris I have to go to the control room and work for a little bit you have a good time with Christina." "Alright bye four." I give him a kiss before he leaves. "Hey,Tris" I turn and see Eric coming towards me. "The Dauntless leaders are meeting with the rest of the leaders from the other factions tomorrow morning, since your are going to be a dauntless leader your required to be there we have to interduce you to the rest of the leaders." "Ok where do I need to be" "Meet me in the pit at nine." "Ok." Christina Will and I are walking to our apartment now."I can't believe my best friend is going to be a dauntless leader." "Christina, it's not that big of a deal." "Not that big of a deal." Will says with sarcasm. "I'm just glad peter didn't get a chance to pick it."

"Here's my apartment." I say. I grab my keys and unlock the door. It's a big apartment the bed is against the right wall a kitchen is in the left front wall look into the bathroom which is right next to the kitchen. "Wow this is a big apartment Tris." "Ya, a little too big." "Ok we totally need to go shopping now." "Fine." By the time we're done shopping I have sheets for the bed all my bathroom stuff and too many clothes Christina said I had to get. "I think all this shopping is enough for a couple day don't you." "This is enough for a couple weeks Christina." By the time I hear Tobias knocking on the door I have decorated my apartment. I open up the door and launch in his arms "I missed you Tobias." "I missed you too tris" we go and sit on my bed "I have to meet Eric at 9 tomorrow morning all the faction leaders are meeting tomorrow and are introducing there new leaders." "Ok are sure you will be ok you'll see your father and possibly your mother tomorrow." "I haven't even thought of that I guess we'll see." We lay down an fall asleep no that long after our conversation ends.

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