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~Song and Picture Above~

Starling~Star ran though the forest, leaves crunching as his paws pounded the floor, toward the city he ran, his dark wavy brown hair blowing out of control and green eyes shinning, he smiled at the other Warriors followed behind him, he had recently become leader and wasn't planning on loosing his position. 

He shifted into his cat form, fur fluffed up from running, he slowed as they entered town. Most humans didn't know about what creatures that laid behind their city, Starling~Star sat and curled his tail around his paws, looking out into the city. 

"We made it" he told the warriors. "We're in Sorria" the star warriors purred and some cheered. 

"It's only a matter of time" Starling~Star meowed. "Their coming".

*------------------- Note ----------- To ----------- Reader ---------------*

Hello readers, welcome to the story i'm working with @rjeric12 and @lilyblossom224, I hope you enjoyed the beginning, the song is called Bang Bang Bang by Dorthy, see you later! Bye! 

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