obtaining her freedom

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     Her perspective
  Little by little she slowly fell apart. Not knowing where to go, she grabbed her bags and left. She couldn't do this anymore. Every last bit of her, crumpled into little tiny pieces. Today is the day, she told herself. She could hear someone screaming her name and crying but all she could focus on was the long drop she was destined to take in order to obtain her freedom. "No!" was all she could hear as she plummeted closer and closer to what could set her free or break the beings she used to love. "Finally." she whispered as she saw the shimmering water just a few feet below. At the very last moments before she was officially free, she looked up. "Bye papa. I know you never loved me but I'll keep you in my heart." she could hear everything go silent as he leaned over the edge and lept. "Wait for me." she didn't want to hurt herself all over again. "No." was all she said as she dove into the cool water that engulfed her and this was when she knew she was finally free.
   His perspective
     Bit by bit he watched her leave. She wouldn't! Was all he thought at the time. He looked at her for what felt like the last time. She had been crying. "Please." was all he could muster up to say. She kept crying and saying no. She walked out without saying anything else. He followed her making sure his baby girl was safe. She stopped at a bridge. "No no no no no." he whispered. He ran to the bridge but she had already leaped off. "No!" he yelled as she jumped. She glanced back up at him and she said, "Bye papa. I know you never love-" he couldnt hear the rest. This was all his fault he thought. He got into an argument with her and said he didn't love her. He wished he never said that. He did love her and he couldn't bare to loose her so he jumped too, hoping she'd be waiting for him in the cool water. He hoped she'd take him with her to the place she said brought her freedom. Her happiness was his and he entirely messed up.

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