Chapter 50 - FINAL

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Errors ahead, bc i didn't edit~

Jungkook's P.O.V

"Baby!!!!!!" - i shouted. I don't care if i'm bleeding now! I got up, running to Ji Sae. I grab her shoulders, and make her head lay on my lap. I don't know what to do. Her shirt is covered with her blood.

"I heard Ma'am is here. Damn i miss, Ma'am." - I heard someone said. Hed? 4 men walking pass.

"Hed!! HED!!" - i shouted. The 4 men turned and saw me.

"Sir?" - they asked in unison.

"Help! Please! Ji Sae!" - i shouted again. They run to me quickly, and saw their boss.

"Oh shit! Ma'am?!" - they shouted, shocked.

"Ya! Go and call the ambulance!" - Hed yelled to the boys. One of them got up, calling the ambulance.

"They'll be here, as soon as possible!" - he said after talking to the ambulance.

"What happen, Sir?" - another one asked me. I can't talk. I just can't. My tears were flowing like a river. Never in my life, i thought i would see Ji Sae in this kind of state. I'm going crazy! If i know that person who did this to Ji Sae, i swear to god, i'm gonna kill him or her. I don't care.

Minutes later, i heard the ambulance siren. They ran towards us, carrying Ji Sae on the stretcher. I followed them, getting on the ambulance.

"Call us, if anything happens, Sir." - Hed said. I gave a nod and thanked them. They close the doors, and hurriedly drive to the hospital. They did their thing, i have no idea what.

"Jis, please. Stay strong." - i said, grabbing onto her hand. Tears continuously flowing down. When we arrive, they brought Ji Sae to the emergency room. And i wasn't allowed to go in. I sit on the benches. Hanging my head low, tears flowing and the scene, Ji Sae getting shot. It's replaying non-stop.

God, please. I need Ji Sae in my life. I need my baby and my baby. My babies, i need them. Please, make Ji Sae strong. Make the baby, strong too.

I prayed for a lot of times. I sighed, leaning my head on the wall. I grab my phone, dialing my hyungs. "Yeob-"

"H-h-hyung-g." - i cut them, while crying.

"What happen?" - Jimin hyung asked.

"J-j-ji S-sae." - i answered.

"What happen to her?" - Jin hyung asked.

"S-she got s-s-shot, hy-yung." - i replied.

"What?! Really?!" - they exclaimed. I nodded, as if they are here.

"Where?!" - they exclaimed.

"-hospital name-, h-hyung."

"We'll be there!" - they exclaimed again, and ended the call. I dialed my parents. They were shocked too and on their way here. I called her parents too. And all of them are on their way here.

I heard running footsteps. "Jungkook-ah!" - i heard my hyungs called. I look up and they were running towards me. I got up, but weak. They hold onto me, hugging me tightly. I cried on their shoulders. They kept on repeating calm words to me.

"Let's sit down and wait." - Namjoon hyung said. I nodded. All of us sat down and it was all silent. I let out a loud sigh. My tears are dry but they keep on falling.

Soon, my parents and her parents came. "Did you see who shot it?" - abeoji, her appa asked. I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, abeoji. I didn't take care of her." - i said, my heads down.

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