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Before I start:

Wolf686 is Emma
Ghost-Quinn is Quinn
-_Luna_-_ is Luna
WafflePaws is Waffle
Me is Fox.

Thanks for reading!!
I woke up for a normal day to be met with a note on the end of my bed. I slowly picked it up and opened it, slightly fearing that it was from a stalker that broke into my house. It read
Dear Fox,
I left for work early so you will have to wake your brothers and walk them to school. Sorry sweetie but duty calls. I love you.

I giggled at 'duty' cause I was (and still am) immature. I get up and quickly get up. I got dressed in light blue skinny jeans, a pink 'Stay Sassy' shirt, and a gray jacket that's to big for me. Then I went into the kitchen and put 3 waffles into the toaster. After I made sure the waffles were cooking, I went down the hall and into my brothers room. "Come on guys!! Up! up! up!" Both of my brothers, Jeremy and Landon, groaned. I frowned but then smirked.

I whipped my phone out and went to YouTube. I pulled up a song and started playing it.
Jeremy and Landon leapt up and ran to the living room. I giggled and went out to make sure they ate.
(That is acually a theme for a acual annoying show that I hate and my brothers love -.-)

Luna POV
I woke up to my brother shaking my arm. "Luna come on we're gonna be late!!" Michael said frantically. I cursed silently and got out of bed. I quickly got dressed in blue jeans, a purple t-shirt, and a black leather-like jacket.

I rushed down the hallway and into the kitchen. Michael was shoving cereal into his mouth. I quickly poured cereal into a bowl and quickly ate it. Then me and Michael ran out to the bus.

Emma POV
I was awoken by Taylee jumping up into my bed. She walking right up to me and smiled. I smiled back. "Hey Taylee. Did Mum leave for work early again?" Taylee gave a quick nod and jumped back off my bed.

Oh sometimes I love my sister. Yes Taylee is my sister. Got a problem with that? If you got a problem with TayTay, then you got a problem with me!

I quickly got out of bed and put on a Sky Army shirt and jeans.
(I couldn't think of anything else but I know that you like Sky Media so tada) I went downstairs and got a bowl of cereal. My parents came downstairs like zombies looking for coffee.

"Hey mom! Hey dad!" I said and my parents said good morning. Then they went back upstairs. My dad went into his office and my mom went back to bed.

I sighed and put some food in a bowl for Taylee. I quickly packed some lunch and said goodbye to Taylee. "I'll see you later Taylee!!" I called and ran out to the bus.

I grinned when I saw Luna was on the bus. I clambered up onto the bus and rushed to where Luna was sitting. But as I reached her, I was tripped. I looked up and saw a new girl. I quickly got up and sat next to Luna.

Waffle POV
"WAFFLE GET YOUR BUTT UP AND DRESSED!!!!!" yelled Cassandra, my sister. "CASS GO AWAY!!!" I groaned into my pillow. Cass yanked my blankets off me and I made a weird noise. "Waffle! Up!" My mom passed by my door.

I groaned again and sat up. I slowly got out of bed and went into the bathroom to try to calm my ratnest hair. I managed to get my hair to calm down so I quickly put on blue skinny jeans and a shirt with a Waffle saying "Toby stay away!" on it. (see what I did there? (; )

I went into the kitchen and put own of those microwavable breakfast samwiches in the microwave. I quickly ate it and me, Cass, and Mom got into the car.

Third person POV
Time skip to lunch time
Waffle and Fox walked over to their normal table, where Luna and Emma were already eating. "Hey Luna!!" Fox said as she sat down. "Hey Emma!" Waffle sat down. "Hey you too!" said Luna. Emma murrmered a hello.

"Luna did you see last night's episode of Supernatural?!" Fox said excitedly "YES OMG I CANT BELIEVE THAT DEAN DIED!!!!! THE FEELS!!!" Luna pretty much screamed. They all laughed at Luna's outburst of fangirling. Emma then noticed a police officer and the principal walk into the lunch area.

"Guys. The police are here." Emma said quietly. Fox, Waffle, and Luna looked at the police man and Fox whispered "Why are they here?" The lunch area had gone silent.

"Hello everyone! We just need Fox Mika, Emma Wolf, Waffle Wandsworth, and Luna Tashtey to follow me please." The principal said. The four girls extanged glances and gathered their things.

They followed the principal and police man to the principal's office. "Girls I am very disappointed in you!!" The principal said. "This police man has told me that you four have stolen cars, gotten drunk, and other things. And last night you were caught in the act!!"

The four girls tried to protest but were silenced. "You four are going to a camp for bad kids." The principal turned to the police man. "Thank you Officer Ciras. You may take them away."

Officer Ciras led the four girls out to a van where another girl about 14 waited for them. The girl didn't say anything as the other four girls got in. The van started up and drove off.

And here's the first chapter!! Don't worry the characters didn't acually do those things!!! Also, Wolf for the outfit you have me, Emma is going to change into it in the next chapter !! :) Hope you all enjoyed!!

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