Chapter 1. Risk Taking

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(Alex's Pov)

As I woke, the sound of pounding music immediately filled my ears. Opening my eyes, I sighed quietly as I scanned my surroundings. It was bright, orange stone hills took up the sights held within the windows, save for an endless blue sky. The car gently shook as it ran along the rough, dusty road. "Jake, what the hell kind of music is that..?" I asked groggily as I brushed the strawberry blonde locks from my face with a half numb hand.
"It's Ram Jam! Haven't you heard of them?" My friend asked in an almost rhetorical manner. "Thats way before your time. Same goes for me." I spat as I reached from the backseat and turned off the dreaded noise.

"You're terrible. " Jake pouted. "Yeah yeah I know." I yawned before climbing into the passenger seat beside him. "How much longer now?" I asked as I cocked an eyebrow at the barren sands ahead of us. "Probably eight hours at least.. not counting pitstops." Jake answered with a low sigh, his brown orbs focused on the road. It was then that I realized how long it had been since either of us had properly bathed. His black hair was greasy, thick with sweat and whatever else was in it.

I cringed, "Any pitstops nearby?" I asked, feeling disgusting as I started involuntarily smelling myself. "Actually there's one just about two miles from here. It's off our road but we could definitely go there." He proposed. "Remind me to buy you something when we get there!" I exclaimed, internally rejoicing, I almost threw my arms up in triumph but I forced myself from doing so for the sake of my sanity's reputation.

It had felt as if only minutes had gone by before I saw the gas station, with it's trademark shell sign. Since Jake was driving a little too slow for my taste, I just hopped out of the moving vehicle, and slammed the door behind myself. Earning a few unheard curses from Jake. Ignoring the rage which was silent to me, I ran inside and made a beeline to the bathroom.

I turned on the sink and dunked myself under the faucet, and started scrubbing the available liquid handsoap into my filthy hair, sighing softly with relief. I then quickly rinsed it and did a once over with a few sudsy paper towels to exorcise the stink of my acquired and natural odors.

Jake walked in as I was drying my hair under the blowdrier on the wall. "Hurry up, you don't want an employee coming in here. " He warned. I nodded and soon left the bathroom and entered the main part of the store.

It was lined with colorful packages of sweets and delectable scents. I went to the snack isle and scanned the various goods. Snoballs, Twinkies, Doughnuts, cupcakes, frosted fruit pies, potatoes chips, Doritos, etc..
I sighed internally as none of my preferred foods, such as mom's homemade Matzo Ball soup, or the odd but delectable fried bananas, were not available anywhere within the store of fatty, pleasure foods.

I grabbed a basket and grabbed several of the pies, figuring they were good enough, then stepped over to the refrigerated beverages and grabbed five large bottles of water and four energy drinks, varying flavors, and waited for my companion.

Jake soon emerged from the bathroom, with slightly damp hair, though it wasn't too noticeable, "Took you long enough." I teased as I sneared at him. "Screw you, I was enjoying the cold water. What's it been? Three weeks since a good cold shower?" He asked me. I honestly had been unable to keep track of the days, so I found myself shrugging. He sighed at my response and grabbed a few things before we went to the counter to pay, "Is that all for you today?" The cashier lady asked with a sweet tone, "Yes, thank you. " I replied as I tried to be polite. After checking out and paying, she stopped us at the door, "Wait! If you're heading out to Rosenberg, the road's been blocked off." She alerted us. Shocked at the news, I looked over at Jake in disbelief, "What? Why..?" He asked her. "It's been blocked off by the authorities, I don't know why.. news won't say." She said, looking away and avoiding eye contact as she felt bad being the barer of bad news. "Well... thank you for telling us....." I thanked, breaking out of the conversation and went to the car with Jake and our goods.

"What are we going to do now?" I growled, frustrated already. "I don't know but we have to get the weapons to our buyer or we're in deep shit."  Jake said, the horn on the wheel looking more than tempting to hit. After a few moments of silence Jake announced, "We're going anyway. We'll just have to go around the cops." He said. I looked to him, surprised, "We'll get arrested!" I argued, getting more uncomfortable with our situation. "Five hundred thousand dollars is worth it." He retorted as he started the car. "It's enough to get us off this wretched rock. You want to see your family again don't you?" He asked me rhetorically. "..Yeah..." I replied quietly. "Then we're going. " He finished and pulled out of the parking lot and sped down the road, on our way once more.


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