chapter 1

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There have been many moments in my life that I wish I could have changed to make everything a hell of a lot easier. I wish I could have changed my dad leaving when I was eight or the school whose students had nothing better to do than torment me and make me feel worthless for not having the perfect life like they did. But the most resent event I wish I could have changed would be when the woman who has been my rock through everything, collapsed in the kitchen on what was supposed to be a normal Saturday night. My mom.

"thank you for coming back in miss Sherwood. After looking at you scans I'm afraid I have some bad news." We were currently sitting in doctor burns office two weeks after the incident. He had called yesterday staying we needed to come back in today to discuss the scan results. "whatever it is I'm sure we can get through it "my mum reassured everyone but looking straight into my eyes squeezing my hand. "I'm sad to inform you that your results have come back showing an inflammation of stage 3 pancreases cancer" doctor burns replied with a sad smile. Everything stopped I knew it was going to be bad but not this. She can't be this ill she all I have left she's the only one who's been there for me through all the shit and now she could be gone within a couple months. "no. no this can't be it. what do we do? There has to be some treatments something just make it go away!" the tears begin rolling down my face. "baby calm down its going to be alright" mum whispers in my ear rubbing circles on my back. I can hear the sadness and worry in her voice. "there are a few treatments we can try and there is chemo therapy as well but I'm afraid with this particular cancer type there is no government funding meaning it can be very costly" he said sympathetically. "okay I don't care what it costs I'll get the money just make sure she gets the best treatment!" I say urgently the panic and desperation now fully heard. "Alyssa, we need to think about this sweetie. We don't have the money to do this and your supposed to be saving for college focus on that let me worry about this you don't need another distraction" mum says wiping away the tears of my face and her own." No mom you can't be dealing with this by yourself I'll find a job and get the money, college can wait a few years just let me help you"

We left after doctor burns showed us some pamphlets about the treatments and support available for me and my mum. I could tell it affected her more than she let on. she went straight to bed when we got in after kissing my forehead and reassuring me everything was going to be okay. I made myself a cup of tea and then went into my room to begin my search for a job. I looked on every site for something well paid that didn't require a college qualification. It felt like I'd been searching for hours and when I saw that is was already 12am I actually had. I carried on searching until one finally caught my eye. House keeper needed for summer home in north los Angeles $600 per week no qualification needed. It was perfect and the pay was great! I quickly applied turned off my laptop and got into bed praying that tomorrow was a better day.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2017 ⏰

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