The Devil Went Down To Georgia

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Covington, Georgia, May 13, 2015

It felt unusually cool for a spring day in northern Georgia, not that you were complaining. The temperature for today was listed as 73 degrees, but it felt more like 60. There was a gentle breeze blowing through the trees and it sent a shudder down your spine. Something was off. You could just... tell. You walked past an old drunken man sitting in front of the bar you were headed to. He was singing a song that you'd heard a million times, but this time... this time was different. You didn't know why, but it just intensified the feeling of something being wrong:

The Devil went down to Georgia

He was lookin' for a soul to steal

He was in a bind 'cuz he was way behind

And he was lookin' to make a deal

Another shiver went up your spine as you walked into the bar. You had a really bad feeling about this, but you really needed a stiff drink. It was three years since a devastating experience had taken the last of your family from you. You walked into the unusually cold building, you could see your breath forming clouds in the air as soon as you stepped inside. The bar was playing the same song that the man outside had been singing.

When he came across this young man

Sawin' on a fiddle and playin' it hot

And the Devil jumped up on a hickory stump

And said, "Boy, let me tell you what"

A man with short, blond hair was stood on top of the counter. He let out an inhuman screech that shattered all the glasses and bottles on the shelves behind him. "So it's true, the Devil has come down to Georgia," you thought.

"I thought you liked my singing," the man called out to the people fleeing the bar through the shattered windows and pushing past you to get out of the frost-covered door. He let out another ear-splitting screech. You didn't even flinch, you'd heard that voice before. The man turned to face you, "Well, hello, Y/N. Long time no see."

"For a reason, Lucifer," you said, as cold in your demeanor as the bar was inside.

"Ouch, baby, you'd think I'd be used to the cold, but this shoulder of yours-"

"Don't call me, baby!" You growled.

"Aww, sweetie, does it remind too much of your brothers and their precious car?" He moved closer to you and put his hand gently on your shoulder like he'd done all those years before.

"Don't touch me!" you yelled," You don't get to touch me anymore, not after what you did to my brothers."

"Oh, but I'm not even in your brother's meat suit anymore, I burned him up a long time ago," he smiled sinisterly at you, "when I took over my father's position in Heaven, I could feel little Sammy wearing thin, so I just beefed Nick here up a bit. Just enough to contain me and leave a bit of 'growing room'," the smile he gave you was almost genuine, like he hoped for some positive reaction from you; you felt like you were going to throw up.

Close to tears, you asked the question that had been on your mind since you saw your younger brother, Sam, beating the life out of your older brother, Dean, "What happened to you? You used to be such a great guy, but-"

"A great guy, huh? A great guy? Honey, I got a newsflash for ya, I'm not a 'great guy'. I'm Lucifer. No one has ever classified me as a 'great guy'," he scoffed at you.

"I did," you said so quietly that you hadn't expected him to hear.

"Well, that was your fault, not mine," he turned away from you, his eyes misty. He couldn't let you see what he felt. That he had ruined the best thing that ever happened to him in his whole miserable life. He had had something special with you but he'd thrown it away because he wanted power. He wasn't satisfied with what he had: love.

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