Chapter 36

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I made scrambled eggs and bacon with toast. Derek left before I could say goodbye.
"So I'm dead right?" I asked.
"I-I guess--"
"So when I'm on the verge of death, let me die!" I said, and sat down at the table.
"Where's this all coming from?" He asked.
"Life's to stressful!" I said, he was chunking down his food like crazy, "slow down. You might choke."
"I can't I forgot about lacrosse tryouts!" He said with a mouth full of food. My stomach growled.
"Have you eaten?" He asked.
"Are you still going to be captain--"
"Don't change the subject." He said, "have you eaten?"
"No." I said, "I haven't, mainly because I go on a frenzy when ever I'm around blood."
"You have to eat." He said, "Do you need some of my blood?"
"No." I said, "I'll be fine. I'm just..."
"What?" He asked.
"I don't want to kill people." I said, "but when I do, it feels good. What person am I?"
"Your a vampire." He said, "you have no remorse."
"I don't want to have people die in my name." I said, I pulled out my phone, "I have a list of people I have killed in the last years. Five hundred. I have killed five hundred people! I don't want you to even see me, and I hate you knowing this but I have to get this weight off my shoulders."
"It'll be fine." He said, and grabbed my hands.
"Thanks." I hugged him, "alright let's go before we're late." I grabbed my backpack.

I ran out in a sports bra and shorts. "Are those tattoos?" A the guy's asked as I ran out.
"Yes." I placed my bag down next to Scott's stuff, I noticed Scott was on the field. Scott was in the front of a line to throw the ball into the goal. The goalie was short but looked like he knew what he was doing. Scott threw it and it hit the rim on the goal, making it bounce to me.
"Damn." I said. I put on my gloves and got in line to shoot. One of the best plasters in the lacrosse team shot the ball, and the goalie caught it. And that happened with the rest of the players, they threw it and the goalie caught it.
When it was finally my turn, I picked up the ball and cracked my neck. I set my feet and squinted my eyes. I had a perfect direction where I wanted to hit. I threw the ball, it bounced off of the rim of the net and perfect into the goal. I smirked, and turned away proudly. Everyone looked at me stunned.
"How the hell did you do that?" The guy behind me asked, I walked away.
"I'm the alpha." I said.

(Teen wolf/ vampire diaries/ SPN fanfic) Bad Girls Do it WellWhere stories live. Discover now