All Alone

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Chapter 1


I shivered. The cold wind nipped at my nose as I limped through the forest The tall trees loomed over me, making me feel small. For it being night in the forest, many sounds could be heard. The trickle of a creek. The croak of a frog. A rustle in the bushes. Silently, I tiptoed on through the forest.

My name is Chloe McWell. I am ten years old and have curly red hair and emerald green eyes. If it weren't for me, I wouldn't be stranded out here. It all happened when I came to this island for summer vacation a few years ago. I thought it would be fun to go somewhere different this year. I went to the forest with my family; my parents and my little sister, Niki. They decided to go on a hike while they left me to nap. When I woke up a few hours later, I realized they hadn't returned. I wandered around the forest, calling their name until my voice was hoarse. When I returned to the cabin, I made a bonfire, hoping that my parents or little sister would see the light. But it was no use. I silently ate a cold dinner of baked beans and stiff meat. Afterwards, I called their names some more. Like last time, they didn't respond. Since I didn't have anything to do, I curled up in bed and weeped until no more tears would fall. Usually, my mom would comfort me. Just thinking of my mom and the rest of my family made me burst into tears again. I decided to try to fall asleep. I lay in bed, fiddling with my fingers. After what seemed like forever, I finally fell asleep...


A few minuets later, I reached my destination. As I sat down, I let out a deep sigh. I hadn't realized I was so scared, alone in the big woods. I wandered around the cabin, picking up my candy wrappers and a few paper plates. Since their was nothing to do, I paced around the cabin, staring at the floor the whole time. Once I got dizzy, I decided to go to bed. Quietly, I crawled into by bed. As soon as I got covered, I let out a huge yawn. I silently listened for any night sounds. All I heard was a wolf howling in the distance. The sound of it gave me chills. After a little bit, I fell asleep.

Chapter 2


The next morning, I woke up with sunshine flooding the room. I looked around the cabin. The whole place seemed empty. Outside, a bird chirped, happy as can be. After I yawned and said good-morning to myself, I lazily sat up. Suddenly, I heard a rustle in the bushes. Scared, I quietly stepped outside. I heard a low sound come from a nearby log. A second later, a flash of grey came out from the log! I opened my mouth to scream, but no sound came out. After about a minute, I realized what it was. It was... a bunny! I laughed out loud. After all, it was silly of me to scream over a little bunny! I went back to the cabin to get ready. When I was done, I decided to take a hike. I packed a picnic of a sandwich, water, and trail mix. When I left the cabin, it was late morning. I decided to hike to the little steam to cool off and get a drink of water. I walked for about 20 minutes, then stopped to get a gulp or two from my water bottle, then continued. Finally, I reached the creek. The sound of rushing water is like music to my ears. I lay down in the sunshine and snoozed for a bit, tired from my hike. Awhile later, I woke up to my rumbling stomach. I pulled out my trail mix and popped a few sunflower seeds into my mouth. Slowly, I picked through my trail mix. When I was satisfied, I put my half eaten trail mix back in the basket. I thought I should save my juice box for later and have some water instead. Soon, I pulled out my sandwich. I happened to look up. And when I did, then I saw it.

Chapter 3


Hanging on a branch a few yards ahead of me was a beehive! An idea popped into my head. Honey would go GREAT with bread. After all, you don't get honey very often out here. So, I looked at the beehive to make sure that there weren't any bees nearby. Nothing. I stomped and hit the tree to make double check. No bees came charging at me. Slowly and quietly, I climbed up the tree. I broke off a small yet stiff branch to hit the hive down. Gripping the branch tight, I hit the hive down. Almost as soon as the hive hit the ground, bees started swarming out of the hive! I screamed, and not knowing what to do, I started running around in circles. That did no help whatsoever because the bees started stinging me, which made me scream even louder! Regaining my common sense, I jumped into the creek. My head hit a rock, and I blacked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2014 ⏰

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